Picamilon – Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & Dosage

There are so many supplements and nootropics on the market, it can be challenging to understand each and every one. Picamilon is a supplement which is not generally as well known. This has created questions amongst the nootropic community.

There are many different reasons as to why someone would take Picamilon. It’s important to note, that not everyone will have the same experience. Based on research and user reviews, the following information will allow you to have a more thorough understanding of this supplement.

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What Is Picamilon and Where Did It Come From?

While focusing on the history of Picamilon, there’s some disagreement as to when it was first produced. With that being said, this supplement was created sometime between 1969 and 1971. Research was first conducted at the All-Union Vitamin Research Institute within the Soviet Union.

Considering most of the research on Picamilon has been conducted in Russia, it is only more recently that the West has began recognizing its benefits and effects. Basically, Picamilon is a combination of niacin and GABA.

Niacin is a member of the B-complex family; while GABA is the neurotransmitter that creates calming effects. It was found that when these two separate compounds were combined, they yielded unique properties.

How Does Picamilon Work?

While focusing on Picamilon’s mechanism of action, it’s been found that this supplement reaches the brain via the blood-brain barrier, through niacin pathways. Since GABA cannot cross the blood-brain barrier on its own, Picamilon is highly beneficial in terms of its access.

Picamilon’s ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, is believed to occur quite rapidly. In fact, this action sometimes occurs in as little as 30 minutes. Picamilon also helps to open up blood vessels within the brain, allowing for more oxygen and nutrient exposure.

While focusing on blood vessels, Picamilon improves the quality of blood vessel maintenance. Due to this effect, it’s believed that it can lower one’s blood pressure. It also helps improve nerve and neuron function regarding vascular tone, both parasympathetic and sympathetic.

How Can Picamilon Benefit Me?

Focusing on your brain, Picamilon provides key benefits due to its effects on blood flow. Why does this matter? Well, when blood flow and circulation improve, your brain is exposed to high levels of oxygen and nutrients. This not only results in better brain health, but increased energy metabolism, leading to improvements in cognition.

When users take Picamilon powder, they observe a variety of benefits. Most users experience improved learning capacity and memory. In particular, Picamilon may have positive effects on your ability to concentrate, retain information within your working memory, and improve your attention span. This has been supported in research studies, which have provided evidence for enhanced planning, motivation, and intelligence.

One of the key benefits associated with Picamilon, is its ability to boost GABA levels in the brain. When you take GABA supplements on their own, they are not typically effective. This is because once GABA is in the bloodstream, it cannot transfer over into the brain. Instead, GABA is produced within the brain.

If you have low levels of GABA (which many do), taking Picamilon can help you feel more relaxed. Due to GABA’s positive effects on anxiety and stress, this is a great addition to any anti-anxiety promoting stack. Although GABA helps you enter a calm state-of-mind, Picamilon doesn’t create sedative effects. This supplement also aids in depression-like symptoms, as well as overall mood.

What Potential Side-Effects Should I Be Concerned About?

As mentioned, most research has been done within Russia. At this point in time, research regarding potential side-effects has been fairly limited. While focusing on negative reactions, there is a lot of informative, first-hand experiences posted by users. Nootropic reviews and anti-anxiety forums have provided insight into Picamilon and its effects.

Based on research and experience logs, Picamilon is considered to be very safe. When users take less than 500 mg per day, they are unlikely to experience any complications or negative effects. While comparing Picamilon to other anxiolytics, it is said to cause less issues regarding addiction, abuse, tolerance, and withdrawal.

With that being said, these effects are still a possibility, which is why this supplement is best taken under doctor supervision. You should discuss possible effects with your healthcare provider, especially because Picamilon is considered to be a weak MAO inhibitor.

This means that Picamilon inhibits enzymes that breakdown compounds like dopamine and serotonin. This can be dangerous in terms of potential drug interactions. Although Picamilon is not as hazardous as other drugs which inhibit MAO, it’s important to know all potential risks.

It is suggested that you do not mix stronger drugs in this class, due to potential side-effects. Once again, speak with your doctor regarding any questions or concerns. This is especially true, if you’re currently taking any medication.

Recommended Dosage

The standard recommended dose for Picamilon ranges between 50 and 300 mg daily. Many split their daily dose into several administrations. Many will take one dose in the morning, then one in the evening. When purchasing Picamilon capsules, they generally comes in 150 mg increments.

If you would like further control over your doses, then you can purchase Picamilon powder in bulk. With all supplements, start with the lowest possible dose. This will allow you to see how the supplement effects you. Th effects last approximately 2-4 hours, being most effective on an empty stomach.

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Vinpocetine – Uses, Benefits, Side-Effects & Dosage

More and more people are becoming health conscious, wanting to utilize natural remedies. If you have been looking into natural brain supplements, then you may have already read about Vinpocetine. This supplement is also commonly found within Alzheimer’s medication, as well as nootropics stack like Alpha Brain.

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What Is Vinpocetine?

This biosynthetic compound is harvested from Vincamine extract. Both Vinpocetine and Vincamine are found in the vinca minor plant. For years, only Vincamine was being utilized for cognitive purposes. Once labs began to improve, the production of Vinpocetine increased. Although both alkaloids create similar effects, Vinpocetine creates fewer negative side-effects.

Lab work has allowed Vinpocetine to be synthesized, isolating this alkaloid from other alkaloids. It is technically considered to be a natural derivative, because it’s manufactured in a lab. Since this supplement is created in a lab, companies can control the purity of this extract. Due to this increased control, it has made Vinpocetine even safer (in comparison to Vincamine).

While taking Vinpocetine, users can target neurological impairments, by increasing blood flow to their brain. When circulation and blood flow to the brain are improved, you gain both short and long-term benefits. Short-term, Vinpocetine can boost your cognitive abilities. Long-term, it can improve your overall brain health.

Due to these short and long-term effects, Vinpocetine is known as a nootropic and a neuroprotectant. Within Germany, this supplement is actually sold as a prescription medication, known as Cavinton. This medication is used to treat memory loss, age-related mental decline, as well as symptoms of ischemic strokes. Within the United States and all other countries worldwide, this supplement can be taken on its own, or within the stack Alpha Brain.

The Effects of Vinpocetine

Vinpocetine is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, causing blood vessels to dilate, allowing for greater blood flow. Although the cause of Alzheimer’s is not fully known, it is believed that neuroinflammatory responses, cause neurons to die off. This results in cognitive impairments.

While taking Vinpocetine, it’s also believed that this supplement will prevent over-excitation of neurons. If a neuron is continuously over-excited, it could result in neuron death. By creating greater balance regarding Na+ and Ca+ ions, you create less risk of premature neuron death.

Key Benefits of Vinpocetine

As mentioned, Vinpocetine increases blood flow to the brain. This has been supported by numerous studies. This supplement is what’s known as a cerebrovasodilator, because it increases circulation without changing your blood pressure. When blood flow increases, your brain is exposed to high levels of oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells then utilize glucose, oxygen, and other nutrients in order to generate energy.

This increased blood flow, results in higher metabolism, leading to improved cognition and alertness. Another beneficial effect, is Vinpocetine’s ability to remove waste from brain cells. This allows for greater support, increasing neuron growth and maintenance.

In one experiment, stroke patients were assessed. It was found that when patients were given Vinpocetine, they were less impaired than the placebo group. It has also been found that when individuals experience a stroke, if given Vinpocetine immediately after, you can prevent or reverse some brain damage.

In terms of this effect on stroke victims, Vinpocetine can prevent death and disability. An ischemic stroke occurs when blood begins to clot, constricting blood flow to the brain. This type of clot, causes brain cells to die, due to a lack of oxygen. This is why Vinpocetine is so effective, as it reduces clotting. Some studies also suggest that Vinpocetine could potentially reduce one’s risk of a second stroke.

Although these benefits are incredible, Vinpocetine is not limited to individuals who have suffered from medical complications. In fact, many individuals are taking this supplement in order to enhance their memory, while reducing brain fog. For instance, many students are seeking out this supplement, in order to study more effectively.

Vinpocetine’s Side Effects

It is essential that you understand what the potential side-effects are for any supplement you take. While taking Vinpocetine, there are very few side-effects which have been identified at this time. When individuals with Alzheimer’s were treated with fairly high doses (60 mg daily), there were no side-effects reported.

With that being said, there’s a possibility that you may experience headaches, nausea, nervousness, stomach aches, dizziness, and issues sleeping. Although these effects are mild, they are a possibility. These effects are also generally short-term, being resolved in a day or two. If you do have any side-effects that last for longer periods of time, please speak with your doctor regarding advice.

If you take blood thinning medication, you should avoid taking Vinpocetine. This includes agents such as Tylenol and other pain relieving medications. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you should avoid Vinpocetine at this time. More research needs to be conducted regarding this sub-population.

If you experience heavier blood clotting, avoid using Vinpocetine. This is because those that have blood clots, increase their risk of bleeding. For this reason, anyone who has undergone surgery, should also avoid use. If you are planning to have surgery, please stop taking Vinpocetine two weeks prior.

Start Experiencing the Benefits of Vinpocetine Today

While taking Vinpocetine, the benefits are extensive. Not only will you enhance cognition, but you improve the health of your brain tissue. For individuals that are healthy, this supplement is considered to be safe, with little risk of complications. Remember, if you have a history of blood clotting, avoid this supplement.

Take Vinpocetine orally each day. If you’re attempting to treat a condition such as Alzheimer’s, it is suggested that you take a dosage of 5-10 mg, three times daily. You can take advantage of these benefits when taking Vinpocetine on its own, or within the popular stack: Alpha Brain.

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Uridine’s Effects & Benefits on Boosting Cognitive Functions

In order for your brain to function effectively, it’s important that new connections are being formed. If you’d like to improve your learning capacity and memory, Uridine may be the perfect nootropic solution for you. Not only can you boost cognitive functioning, but you can improve your overall health and wellness.

It has been found that when there’s low levels of Uridine in the brain, memory formation can become impaired. This can also lead to a decline in brain plasticity. Although you can consume Uridine within your diet, supplementation can aid in significant changes to your mood and memory.

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What Exactly Is Uridine?

Uridine is a substance which is naturally occurring in the liver. It contains both a pyrimidine base, as well as a nucleic acid. Due to these components, Uridine is known to be a nucleoside. In order to understand its importance; Uridine is one of the four basic components of RNA.

When storing memories within your brain, it requires large amounts of RNA. By taking Uridine supplements, you can increase RNA levels; improving memory formation, as well as retention performance.

Since Uridine is so receptive to additional phosphate groups, it can also create one of three other nucleotides. These are used to regulate one’s metabolism. Research has shown, that Uridine works well with choline. The effects of these two substances, creates nootropic benefits. Additional research is exploring its ability to work with fatty acids, in order to act as an anti-depressant.

How Does Uridine Work?

The key regarding Uridine’s method of action, is the way in which it increases brain Phosphatidylcholine production. This brain chemical is known to assist the operation of cells, while regulating various enzymes within the brain.

It is also known to increase the production of neurites, which leads to greater plasticity of the brain. This aids in both encoding and storage in regards to memory. A neurite is simply a projection for a neuron, such as an axon or dendrite. In turn, this helps to form synapses within other areas of the brain.

While focusing on the structure and function of the brain, it is highly complex. There are billions and billions of neurons, which create an intricate network of connections. These connections are continually changing. Within recent research, it’s been found that new memories are stored through long-term potentiation.

Long-term potentiation is when there’s an increase in synaptic strength, due to the stimulation of a chemical synapse. In terms of new memories, this process has been linked to new connections being formed between neurons. When you have more Uridine within your body, this leads to higher rates of synaptogenesis. The result is greater memory retention and greater cognitive ability.

Uridine also works by boosting dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which influences our mood and motivation. It also plays a role in the pleasure center of the brain. While focusing on cognition, dopamine influences our ability to focus and maintain attention.

Uridine not only increases dopamine levels, but it is also converted into CDP choline within the brain. This is also known as Citicoline, which increases acetylcholine synthesis. Acetylcholine is also a neurotransmitter, but it is more closely linked to memory; as well as focus, information processing, and brain plasticity.

What Are the Key Benefits of Uridine?

When you begin taking any new supplement, you will want to know if it is worth taking. How can it help you? Well, Uridine provides some highly extensive benefits. Not only can it aid in working memory, but also fluid intelligence. When you improve your fluid intelligence, you’re able to problem solve in novel situations more effectively.

The reasons behind Uridine’s benefits, is highly reliant on the conversion of Uridine into choline, which then converts into acetylcholine. It is believed that due to these mechanisms of action, one can also slow down the aging process of their brain. This is why Uridine is showing promise regarding preventative measures against degenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s.

Based on Uridine’s influence on dopamine, users often experience a better mood and higher levels of motivation. This includes the ability to manage stress, symptoms of anxiety, as well as symptoms of OCD. It is also believed to improve the health of brain cells, aiding in lipid membranes. To amplify the effects of Uridine, it’s recommended that you stack this supplement with choline directly.

What Are the Potential Side-Effects?

Just as you focus on the benefits of a supplement, you should also familiarize yourself with potential side-effects. Uridine is considered to be extremely safe, as majority of people tolerate this supplement well. Considering Uridine can be found naturally in foods such as broccoli and tomatoes, you would expect it to be safe.

With all supplements, you need to pay attention to the recommended dosage. The only side-effects that may occur, are fatigue, headaches, nervousness, as well as potential gastrointestinal distress. It is also believed that this supplement may reduce levels of vitamin B12.

To combat this issue, it is suggested that you take B-complex vitamins daily. Not only will this help maintain levels of B12, but B-vitamins also improve overall brain health and function. Many are deficient in

What Is the Recommended Dosage of Uridine?

You can take Uridine alone, however, this supplement is generally taken in a stack. It is recommended that you take between 500 mg and 2 grams daily. For those that are looking for nootropic effects, generally take on average, 1 gram daily. It is also highly recommended that you take Uridine with a high quality choline source. This will maximize results.

Based on all the nootropics available on the market, Uridine is one of the few that is an absolute must-have. This supplement is especially important for the older population, as well as anyone whom is taking part in an anti-aging regimen. Not only does it influence fluid intelligence and memory, but it allows neurons to become more plastic; benefiting any user.

Taking Magnesium L-Threonate to Boost Cognition

You have more than likely heard of the element magnesium, but what does it have to do with nootropics? Magnesium L-Threonate is a new form of this element, which is derived from L-Threonic acid. When we consume magnesium, it is typically within our natural diet. Most commonly found in green vegetables and nuts, it’s important that you obtain enough.

While focusing on the benefits of magnesium, a more bio-available form of this nutrient was created. At MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), this dietary supplement was developed in order to boost cognition. More specifically, this supplement was created for its ability to enhance learning and memory.

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What Exactly Is Magnesium?

As you are probably already aware, magnesium is a chemical element, as well as an alkaline earth metal. It is essential to all living things, as it is found in every cell within the human body. Not only does it make up 13% of the world’s mass, but it is the eleventh most abundant element.

Many would not think of magnesium as a cognitive enhancer. As mentioned, this link was discovered by scientists at MIT. It is now being used for its memory boosting properties, it’s ability to improve one’s learning ability, and its ability to improve brain plasticity.

Although magnesium is so important, up to 75% of Americans are simply not consuming enough. Research has been investigating the effects of Magnesium L-Threonate, due to its positive effects. In multiple studies, Magnesium L-Threonate was shown to reduce learned helpfulness (linked to depression), reduce cognitive deficits in mice with Alzheimer’s, and enhance fear extinction (which could be beneficial for symptoms of PTSD).

The Effects of Magnesium L-Threonate

Naturally, the human body depends on magnesium in order to maintain various functions. On average, the human body will contain approximately 25 grams of magnesium. Our bodies use this mineral in order to form bones, while enhancing nerve and muscle functioning. Focusing on our nervous system, magnesium also helps increase glucose metabolism and energy.

While studying this supplement at MIT, it’s been found that it increases both the activity and plasticity of our brains’ synapses. Due to these effects, neurons are able to communicate much more effectively. This was especially seen within the hippocampus, which is an area of the brain that’s responsible for memory. It’s believed that this effect is due to increasing cerebrospinal fluid within the brain.

What Benefits Are Associated with Magnesium L-Threonate?

As mentioned, Magnesium L-Threonate, improves synaptic activity. Due to this increased activity, users experience positive effects on various types of memory. While focusing on older subjects specifically, memory recall improved.

This is highly encouraging, as this supplement may aid in slowing down the effects of age-related memory decline. As our neural tissues age, less growth is observed. This also leads to less flexibility, promoting memory loss. Age-related decline, will also hinder one’s ability to learn and create new neural pathways.

For those that experience chronic neuropathic pain, this supplement can help relieve one’s discomfort. With that being said, there has been some discussion based on Magnesium L-Threonate vs. Magnesium Sulfate. Both of these compounds tend to improve memory, however, Magnesium L-Threonate tends to be safer.

The benefits that are experienced in relation to memory, are independent of the benefits which magnesium provides. Standard magnesium, helps to improve the strength of your bones, improve nerve functioning, while boosting mental energy.

When people are deficient in magnesium, they tend to experience an irregular heartbeat. By taking this supplement, this issue can be alleviated. Due to possible deficiencies, magnesium supplements are also used to promote better nerve function. This mineral acts as a natural muscle relaxant, allowing your body and mind to reach a calming state. This has been shown as an effective aid regarding both insomnia and restless leg syndrome.

What Are the Potential Side-Effects?

If you take too much magnesium, this could lead to potentially serious side-effects. For some users, taking very large doses, can lead to low blood pressure, severe brain fog, and an irregular heartbeat. In extreme, rare cases, overdoses can result in death.

If you have issues with your kidneys, then magnesium supplements should be avoided. This of course also relates to anyone that is taking kidney-related medication. When you add more magnesium to your routine, it can be become overwhelming for your kidneys.

The same is true for anyone that has a heart condition, as irregular heart beats are a possibility. At this point in time, there has been limited research conducted on Magnesium L-Threonate. However, side-effects will be similar to those that are experienced when taking Magnesium Sulfate.

Recommended Dosage

The standard dose for an adult, is generally between 200-400 mg. On average, males typically take 400 mg daily, while women take around 300 mg. When purchasing commercial Magnesium L-Threonate, you can find doses as large as 2000 mg per one single serving.

However, when taking a dose this size, it’s important to note that it will equate to approximately 140 mg of elemental magnesium. While taking magnesium supplements, many users will stack with calcium. Typically, this stack will be 1 part magnesium: 3 parts calcium.

If you’re looking to take Magnesium L-Threonate for its cognitive benefits, then it’s recommended that you stack with Oxiracetam. This racetam, inhibits the antagonism of NMDA receptors. Due to these effects, users can experience even greater plasticity in the brain.

Magnesium L-Threonate tends to have better absorption rates, producing more intense cognitive effects. As more research develops, Magnesium L-Threonate could eventually become the most common and most preferred method for consuming magnesium.

The Benefits of Rhodiola Tea

There have been many beneficial teas that have been utilized throughout history. They are a natural and effective way to gain various health benefits. Rhodiola tea is no exception, as it has been linked to weight-loss, enhanced mood, higher energy levels, and improved memory.

The benefits associated with this tea, are due to Rhodiola Rosea extract. This wild, perennial plant grows best at low temperatures, at high altitudes. Traditionally, this tea was used to calm nerves, aiding in anxiety and depression. Due to this tea’s effects on stress, it also indirectly prevents more serious health complications.

When you consume this tea each day, it is said to prevent colds and flus, while boosting one’s overall immune system. Due to its increasing popularity, research is uncovering more and more positive benefits. This tea has been attributed to more youthful looking skin, improved weight-loss efforts, and more. Although Rhodiola tea is the most common way to consume this plant, supplements are also sold in capsule, tincture, and powdered forms.

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Where Does Rhodiola Tea Come From?

This plant is native to Asia and Siberia, but is also found in northern Europe and within the Rocky Mountains. As mentioned, this plant thrives at high altitudes, where there are low temperatures. Rhodiola, which is also known as cold root or rose root, grows extensively at heights above 10,0000 within Siberia.

Within the summer and spring months, this plants blooms beautiful, yellow flowers. Due to it strong roots, which latch onto rocks; this plant can be found growing out of ice and snow. It is the root itself that provides health benefits.

How Do You Prepare Rhodiola Tea?

Once the roots are dried and ground, you can steep your Rhodiola in hot water. This can easily be done at home, all you require is hot water and around 5 grams of finely chopped or ground dried root. If you have a steeper, you can prepare your tea with that. If not, pack tea bags with the root.

Although the water should be hot, do not expose the roots to temperatures higher than 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Why? Well, when boiling water is poured on the root, it can damage active ingredients. Typically, this tea is left to steep for extended periods of time.

In some cases, this tea is steeped for 4 hours. This allows all the active compounds to leak into the water, so that you can consume them. Since this time-frame is not ideal for everyone, other options are available as well. You can purchase tinctures and liquid extracts for higher levels of convenience.

When using liquid tinctures, you can add drops to a cup of tea, such as chamomile or green tea. Capsules and powder are also available. Many are also now starting to grow this beneficial plant at home. This allows them to have an ongoing source for brewing.

How Does Rhodiola Rosea Tea Benefit Weight-Loss?

In terms of weight-loss, Rhodiola tea helps the body burn stored fat, using it as an energy source. There are proven chemicals within this plant, that trigger a fat-burning response internally. This plant also contains active compounds, which help to restore balance. Due to its positive effects on one’s adrenal system, it’s considered to be an adaptogen.

There’s also evidence that Rhodiola helps process fatty acids, promoting weight-loss. An enzyme is stimulated, which helps to breakdown fat. More recent research has shown that when users combine Rhodiola tea and moderate exercise, this effect can be enhanced further.

Boosting Energy Levels and Reducing Stress With Rhodiola

This supplement has sparked interest within the athletic community, as the effects tend to gives athletes an upper edge. It has been shown through clinical trials, that when taking Rhodiola Rosea, individuals boost ATP and creatine phosphate. These are used as energy sources, helping fuel one’s muscles. This results in higher levels of physical energy and endurance.

Another way that this supplement promotes athletic ability, is through increased oxygenation of muscles. Red blood cells work by transporting oxygen to muscles. This can immediately assist with fatigue and decreased levels of performance and stamina. By stimulating red blood cell production, Rhodiola is highly recommended for active individuals.

Just as this plant has become well-known for its potential weight-loss benefits, it is now being recognized as a stress-buster. When we become overly stressed, our bodies release cortisol. When cortisol levels are too high, over extended periods of time, it can be very damaging to our health.

Although it is not fully understood why, Rhodiola is believed to control cortisol levels. As well, it boosts serotonin, allowing individuals to feel happier and calmer. This is why it’s been shown to be highly effective when attempting to combat symptoms of depression. In fact, some studies have found it to be more effective than antidepressants, without creating the associated side-effects.

Supporting Your Immune System With Rhodiola

As mentioned, this tea is known to fight off colds and flus. By boosting your immune system, you can essentially fight off infections and illness. When you consume Rhodiola Rosea, you obtain 17 amino acids. These help to promote and maintain positive health.

Not only does this tea enhance immune support, but it also has anti-viral properties. This means, that if you are already suffering from a viral infection, Rhodiola will attack the virus. If you drink one cup of Rhodiola Rosea tea a day, you will boost your natural defense system, improving your overall health.

Typically, smaller doses of Rhodiola are taken in order to boost immunity; while larger doses are typically taken in order to combat a cold or flu, high levels of stress, and anxiety. Although Rhodiola is known to aid in symptoms of depression, it is not recommended for bipolar disorder. It is also not advised for women who are pregnant, breast-feeding, or planning on becoming pregnant. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your healthcare provider regarding your options.

The Benefits of Red Wine Extract

Red wine has long been known for its benefits regarding resveratrol, due to its antioxidant effects. It is classed as a phytoalexin, which is found in the skin of grapes. This acts as a defensive system, due to its natural antibiotic effects. Since the discovery of these benefits, red wine extract has been sold in supplement form.

Resveratrol is not only found in the skin of grapes, but in the leafs, roots, and vines of grape plants. However, the highest content is found directly in the skin. This is especially true for grapes that were grown in cooler climates, in comparison to hotter climates. Due to colder temperatures, grapes activate this defense mechanism, increasing production.

The Connection Between Red Wine and Resveratrol

While focusing on the connection between resveratrol and wine, the key link is the grapes that are used. Although you can find resveratrol in white wine, there are much higher quantities in red. Some of the highest concentrations of this key component, are plants such as muscadine grapes, vitis vinifera, and labrusca.

While focusing on resveratrol content, the key factors are the length of time that the skin stays on the grape itself, as well as the fermentation process. This is why red wine tends to be so much higher in resveratrol, as the skins are left on longer, in comparison to white wine.

Resveratrol helps to protect the DNA of a cell. Due to its antioxidant effects, resveratrol targets free radicals. These unstable atoms are caused by natural processes in our bodies, pollution, and sunlight. Since free radicals are associated with cancer and degenerative conditions, it’s important to consume foods and supplements which promote this process.

Can Drinking Red Wine Actually Benefit Your Health?

The answer to this question is yes, but also no. The key here is moderation. It is not recommended that you drink a bottle of wine everyday. When you excessively drink, you will begin to counteract the positive effects that are associated with red wine. You should moderate your consumption, as alcohol can promote liver and other organ damage.

Resveratrol is not the only beneficial component, as red wine also contains a number of other antioxidants. In order for the best results, make sure you read wine bottle labels. Avoid wines that have added chemicals or unnatural flavoring.

Research has found that individuals who drink red wine moderately, have up to a 30% less chance of heart disease. This may be due to its potential effects on your arteries. Resveratrol is believed to fight off hardening of the arteries, as well as heart disease. It has also shown positive effects on one’s brain in terms of age-related complications.

I Don’t Drink, Can I Still Gain These Benefits?

Although red wine has a mixture of naturally occurring antioxidants, you can most certainly benefit from other sources. Resveratrol is also sold in supplement form, becoming increasingly popular. Some of the most common benefits include improved heart health, age-related benefits, and protection from oxidative damage.

More research is being conducted, in order to see whether or not the health benefits of drinking red wine are solely based on resveratrol. If you’re looking for an alternative to red wine, you can find red wine extract and resveratrol supplements online, as well as in health food stores.

A Closer Look at the Benefits Associated With Red Wine Extract

At this time, the core benefits of red wine are said to stem from resveratrol. The main area of interest, is the ways in which this component prevents coronary heart disease. This is being examined in the French population, as they are known to moderately consume red wine. Within French populations, their risk of heart disease tends to be a lot lower.

While focusing on resveratrol, it has been found that it potentially fights off cancer, heart disease, and the hardening of one’s arteries. There has also been research, reporting that resveratrol can prevent your platelets from sticking together, which causes blood clots. Blood clots are one of the key factors regarding heart attacks and strokes.

Resveratrol is currently being researched for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and longevity effects. For those that suffer from type 2 diabetes, resveratrol has been shown to lower blood sugar, while increasing the mobility of one’s joints.

Who Should Avoid Red Wine Extract?

There are certain individuals that should avoid this supplement. If you have any concerns, please speak with your healthcare professional (whether you have any of the following conditions or not). For starters, individuals that suffer from blood disorders, should be monitored while taking this supplement.

If you suffer from any condition that could cause bleeding or if you’re due for surgery, then caution needs to be taken. If you are undergoing surgery, stop taking this supplement as least 2 weeks prior. Once again, discuss this with your doctor.

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, avoid this supplement and any other natural foods containing resveratrol. This is simply due to a lack of research in terms of its safety on children. For this reason alone, no children should be taking red wine extract or resveratrol supplements.

If you are on any medication, this should also be discussed with your doctor. There have not been enough drug interaction studies conducted. One of the most common concerns, is individuals who are taking blood thinners.

Also, anyone taking antihistamines, HIV medication, immunosuppressants, or cholesterol-lowering drugs, should speak with their doctor. If you currently have cancer and are sensitive to estrogen, then avoid taking this supplement. As you can see, there are many possible interactions, so please speak with your doctor if you’re interested in the benefits that this supplement offers.

How Choline May Be Affecting Your Sleep

While focusing on both your body and brain, choline is an important nutrient. Due to its role in acetylcholine production, it helps boost cognitive abilities, while supporting cell membranes, liver function, and more. Choline is a water-soluble nutrient, which belongs to the B-complex vitamin family.

Not only does it play an important role regarding the maintenance of a healthy nervous system, but it also promotes sleep. You can source choline from your diet, however not everyone is consuming enough. For this reason, choline supplements are available.

Why Do We Need Choline?

While focusing on our sleeping patterns, choline helps maintain smooth, healthy sleep-cycles. We naturally produce choline in our bodies, which helps to regulate our internal clock. This is known as our circadian rhythm, which is directly linked to our wake-sleep cycle. Choline can also target symptoms of depression, nerve injuries, and even PMS.

As mentioned, choline is used to make acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter plays numerous roles within our brain and body. Since neurotransmitters influence communication between various systems, they help regulate anything from hunger, to sleep, to mood.

Acetylcholine specifically, is involved in both consciousness and memory. Not only does it help induce sleep, but it promotes dreaming. When you’re asleep and dreaming, acetylcholine levels tend to be high.

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Why Sleep Is So Important

On average, we spend about 25 years of our life sleeping. Although this may seem alarming, sleep is essential for overall health and cognitive functioning. In fact, many do not get enough sleep. This is why many are looking for ways to increase their quality of sleep. Sleeping pills are not generally ideal, so more natural solutions are being explored.

While we sleep, our body goes into a state of repair. Our bodies do a lot for us during the day, which is why this time is required for daily maintenance. Although possible, repairing our bodies while we’re awake is more difficult. Some of the key processes during this time, include eliminating toxins, consolidating memories, utilizing nutrients, and resetting neurotransmitter levels.

Think about when you do not sleep for even a night. You typically feel the effects, whether you feel tired, confusion, or grumpy; lack of sleep can really affect you. When individuals are continuously deficient in sleep, this can lead to significant health concerns. You will feel increased levels of fatigue, which can disrupt your mood, and make you more susceptible to illness.

If you cannot sleep, you could be experiencing a number of issues. One possibility is the potential for chemical imbalances. Our hormones drop and rise based on external factors and the time of day. Melatonin for instance, increases when your body is preparing for sleep. If you suffer from imbalances, you may struggle to maintain consistent sleeping patterns.

How Is Choline Linked to Sleep?

We now know that sleep is important for various processes and maintenance of positive health, but what does choline have to do with all this? While taking choline supplements, users are often attempting to target their brain health or memory. However, choline may also be linked to REM sleep.

As we sleep, we go through different stages. The fifth, deepest stage of sleep, is known as REM sleep (rapid eye movement). It is believed that choline is directly linked to this cycle, which is viewed as the most vital sleep state. Research supports the idea that REM sleep is responsible for processing learned information.

Choline is also associated with our ability to avoid distractions. Our stimulus barrier allows us to focus on one task, avoiding external cues while awake. The same is believed to be true for sleep. While we’re asleep, our stimulus barrier helps filter out noise, so that we can achieve REM sleep.

In terms of dreaming, choline can increase dream activity. When we process memories, acetylcholine plays a role while we sleep. When memories are processed, it creates dreams. For some, choline supplements allow individuals to remember their dreams more effectively.

Although choline has been linked to sleep, it is not recommended that you take a dosage before bed. This can actually lead to higher stimulation, forcing you to stay awake. Take your dose early in the day, as this is not meant to be a sleep-aid taken directly before bed.

Choline and Lucid Dreaming

It is believed that choline increases overall dream activity. In some cases, when users take choline supplements, they can remember their dreams more vividly. Choline supplements have also been reported, in terms of making dreams more exciting. Lucid dreams are often experienced when taking choline supplements.

When you’re in a lucid dream, you tend to be more aware. Although you will be asleep, you can become slightly conscious in terms of your dream’s content. This level of consciousness, could potentially allow you to control the circumstances of your dream.

Although we have learned so much, there is still a lot we do not fully understand. This has created some skepticism on lucid dreams. Some say that lucid dreaming may not be a state of sleep at all. Instead, it is a brief moment of wakefulness.

Regardless of conflicting views, many find lucid dreams enjoyable. For some, it allows them to visualize potential goals. While taking choline supplements, it is believed that lucid dreams become more achievable. Some great options are Alpha GPC or Citicoline.

Although this sounds like an exciting adventure, there are precautions. If you take a choline supplement late at night, it can lead to very vivid nightmares. Once again, consume your choline supplements early in the day. At this point, research suggests that choline supplementation is a potential short-term treatment for sleep. There is no evidence at this point, suggesting that it’s effective long-term. If you have any questions, please consult your healthcare provider.

Can You Treat ADHD Without Drugs or Medication?

ADHD can be a challenging condition to treat. At this time, there is no cure for ADHD. With that being said, you can learn to effectively treat it, reducing symptoms. There are many drugs and medications on the market that are prescribed for this purpose, however many are now looking for alternative methods.

There is a growing demand for supplements, vitamins, herbs, and other natural remedies. Not only are there many plant-based solutions for mental health, but one’s lifestyle can also play an important role. By making changes to your current lifestyle, you could positively impact your symptoms of ADHD.

Remember, not everyone is the same. We are all unique beings, with unique needs. The supplements and remedies mentioned, should not replace your current treatment. Before making any changes to your current treatment plan, please speak with your doctor.

Increasing Physical Activity

While focusing on one’s mental health, exercise is almost always recommended. For many ADHD patients, exercise routines have provided effective therapy options. In the United States alone, 9% of children suffer from ADHD. For these children, participating in sports is often recommended.

Not only does it help them burn off energy, but it improves circulation to the brain. When neural tissue is exposed to oxygen and nutrient-rich blood, it supports higher functioning. Also, improved circulation may improve ADHD at the chemical level.

When areas of the brain are exposed to this increase in oxygen and nutrients, individuals experience higher levels of mental clarity. Increased exercise is also associated with stress reduction, helping individuals calm ‘over-excited’ nerves.

Meditating to Treat ADHD

The practice of meditation has a vast and extensive history. Although meditation is commonly linked to spirituality, is can also be used as brain support. It has been found that when people take part in regular meditation, they’re able to promote a calmer, more focused mental state. Since individuals with ADHD struggle to focus, this could be a beneficial addition to any treatment.

When you’re in a state of meditation, new neural pathways begin to form. It also impacts GABA receptors, creating a calming effect. GABA is the neurotransmitter which is responsible for an inhibitory effect on excitatory neurons. Basically, when your nerve cells are over-excited, this can create feelings of stress and anxiety.

Although meditation can create this effect, so can numerous supplements. For instance, Phenibut is a daily supplements that can aid your GABAergic receptors. With that being said, when you take part in meditation over an extended period, you can create lasting effects. If you suffer from ADHD and are trying to avoid drugs and medication, learning how to effectively meditate is highly recommended.

Maintaining a Level of Mental Stimulation

If meditation isn’t for you, there’s another option that lies on the opposite end of the spectrum. For those that suffer from ADHD and want to avoid drugs, it’s important to keep the mind stimulated and challenged.

This is why it’s important to challenge yourself. If your child is affected by ADHD, encourage them to start a new activity. Both art and music have been shown to yield positive results. For those that like more strategic activities, puzzles and video games can provide this level of mental stimulation.

These activities help increase the level of neurotransmitters available, including serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine for example, helps promote focus and clarity. Whenever possible, encourage your child to engage in these types of activities, in comparison to watching TV or other passive options.

Diet and Vitamins for Treating Symptoms of ADHD

When you continually eat healthy and maintain a balanced diet, you help improve your neural health (as well as your physical health). Based on research, it has been recommended that those with ADHD, consume a diet which is rich in protein, low in simple carbs, high in omega-3 fatty acids, and high in complex carbs.

So, what’s the difference between simple carbs and complex carbs? Simple carbs are considered to be candy, white bread, white pasta, and other foods that breakdown quickly. This causes a spike in one’s blood sugar, creating what is sometimes known as a ‘sugar high,’ leaving the individual with a lack of energy shortly after.

With complex carbs, such as fruits, whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and brown rice; the individual’s blood sugar maintains a higher level of stability. Since these items are digested slowly, they are a more sustainable source of gradual energy. This helps individuals concentrate more effectively, which could assist those with ADHD.

B-vitamins are another area which shows promise for individuals with ADHD. In various studies, B-complex vitamins have shown to reduce hyperactivity, while increasing serotonin. For instance, vitamin B6 helps to regulate one’s mood and overall brain function. When you consume enough of this vitamin, it aids in expanding short attention spans.

Magnesium is another mineral which many are deficient in. In fact, up to 85% of Americans are deficient in this mineral; which has been associated with hyperactivity in children. Magnesium provides calming effects, which is why it’s known as the ‘anti-stress’ mineral.

Supplements That Support Focus and Improve Attention Span

Supplementation is becoming an increasingly popular area, as more natural options are being offered in place of medication and drugs. Nootropics tend to enhance cognitive functioning, improving one’s ability to stay focused. When comparing various nootropics to Ritalin for instance, there are substantial differences.

When children take Ritalin or Adderall, their brain becomes overwhelmed with extremely high levels of dopamine. These drugs can also lead to more serious side-effects, in comparison to supplementation. While focusing on the racetams class, they not only promote higher levels of focus, but also neural wellness.

Piracetam for instance, helps promote mental clarity and higher levels of concentration. This is achieved naturally, as acetylcholine receptors are activated, without exposing an individual to extreme brain chemical spikes. At this time, the most common nootropic therapy consists of Piracetam, stacked with Citicoline.

A Cure for ADHD

At this time, there is no cure for ADHD. However, potentially dangerous prescription medications are still being readily handed out. Yes, they do improve symptoms, but they do not work to protect one’s brain. Supplements and lifestyle changes, can help improve symptoms, while contributing to neural health and cognitive functioning.

If you or a loved one suffer from ADHD, it is suggested that you look into the benefits of more holistic solutions. Exercise, meditation, a balanced diet, and vitamin intake; are all great ways to target symptoms of ADHD (they’re also highly beneficial to those that don’t suffer from ADHD).

Can Krill Oil Threaten Your Health or Liver?

Nutrition and the dangers associated with various ingredients, has never been so confusing. One source will tell you that an ingredient is beneficial to your health, while another will steer you into a different direction. Fish and fish oils have been debated over the years, due to the exposure of metals and toxins within aquatic habitats.

When comparing regular fish oil, krill oil creates very few dangers. In fact, it provides your body and mind, with essential fatty acids. Since these fatty acids cannot be synthesized within the human body, it is crucial that you incorporate them into your diet.

Krill oil is known as an easy and effective way to gain essential fatty acids. When you consume enough omega-3 fatty acids, you promote brain health, while reducing age-related decay, and boosting your immune system.

In order to discuss the benefits and potential risks, we’ll focus on the physical and environmental concerns below. These concerns are generally brought up when discussing krill oil. We will also discuss why this supplement is important to your physical and mental health.

What Are the Dangers Associated with Krill Oil?

First, what exactly is krill? Krill is a small shrimp, which lives in cold, marine habitats. There is an abundance of krill in the Pacific, as well as in the Antarctic. Although we harvest around 110,000 tons of krill each year, this barely puts a dent in the total biomass of krill on earth.

It’s believed that there’s as much as 500 million tons of krill worldwide. When focusing on omega-3 fatty acids, krill is likely the most potent source for human consumption. If there’s an abundance and it is known to benefit our health, what’s the issue?

Well, fish and any other marine species, have raised concerns over the years. This is not due to marine species themselves, but their environment. Due to various factors, sea life is exposed to impurities, damage due to oxidation, and heavy metals. With that being said, krill is unique in terms of this exposure.

Is is widely believed, that krill has become resistant to such impurities and heavy metals. They are known to be resistant to oxidative decay, which is highly encouraging. Also, after krill is harvested, it is highly non-perishable (meaning, illness due to spoilage, is not typically a concern).

While focusing on the purity of any organic product, it is important to read about the manufacturer. In this case, farming practices can make a big difference in terms to what krill was exposed to. While focusing on side-effects, none are considered to be a true danger.

The most common side-effects are a fishy breathe and sweating. However, those that opt for red krill oil, tend to experience these effects less. Both fish and krill oil can cause an upset stomach in some of its users. As mentioned, none of these are true risks to your health.

What Shelf-Life Can I Expect From Krill Oil?

If you have experimented with fish oils, you know that some can decay rather quickly. Krill oil on the other hand, can last up to two years on your shelf. This is VERY important, because when oils decay, they can actually produce dangerous free-radicals.

Free-radicals are associated with a number of health concerns and diseases, which is why antioxidants are highly recommended within your diet (as they help fight off free-radicals in your body and brain). Age-related decay within your organs, is commonly associated with these free-radicals.

Due to krill oil’s extensive shelf-life, it is considered to be highly versatile in this sense. After it is harvested, it will still provide you with benefits months, or even years later. Users experience both physical and mental benefits when utilizing this oil.

How Does Krill Oil Work to Provide Health Benefits?

The key component of krill oil in which offers various benefits, is its omega-3 fatty acid content. More specifically, it is DHA and EFA which support your health. These are good fats, which benefit the health of your cell membranes. By making these membranes more permeable, you boost your immune response, as well as organ function.

While focusing on your brain, the blood-brain barrier plays a substantial role. Since these fatty acids can cross this barrier, they improve signalling between cells, as well as overall brain function. Krill oil contains high levels of phospholipids, which work as an antioxidant (targeting and fighting off free-radicals).

Krill oil helps to prevent decay and decreases your potential risk of degenerative conditions, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Within the phospholipids, there’s also high concentrations of choline. Not only is choline essential for synthesizing acetylcholine (a highly beneficial neurotransmitter for cognition), but is a vital nutrient for the human body. Due to its choline content, krill oil is a great supplement for mental health.

The Key Benefits of Krill Oil

As mentioned, krill oil provides numerous benefits when taken regularly. Since krill oils helps to improve your immunity and overall organ function, it is a highly recommended supplement. One of the key organs in which krill oil benefits, is the heart. Heart disease is a rising concern, affecting millions each year. It is important that we make heart-healthy decisions to encourage longevity.

If you suffer from a skin condition, krill oil can dramatically improve the look and feel of your skin. When taking krill oil, you can also reduce the signs of aging (decreasing the look of fine lines and wrinkles).

The brain is a key area of interest, as krill oil can help promote better memory and brain function. Symptoms of depression and anxiety have been reduced through krill oil consumption. Also, users have noticed benefits regarding stress management.

The Verdict: Is Krill Oil Dangerous?

The dangers associated with marine environments within krill oil, is not a serious concern. This is of course dependent on the ways in which the krill oil you choose, has been harvested, then packaged. As mentioned, know what you’re buying.

When taking krill oil on a daily basis, the positives outweigh any of the potential minor side-effects. With effects resulting in a stronger immune system, a more positive mental state, and greater organ support, you can see why krill oil is so highly recommended.

Benefits such as enhanced memory and concentration, are more than likely due to the high choline content found in this oil. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your healthcare professional.

The Benefits of Valerian Root on Stress and Sleep Disorders


There are many plant-based supplements out there, all with their unique properties and benefits. Valerian root is no exception, as it is known to improve sleeping habits, while reducing insomnia. Not only is it beneficial for sleep-related issues, but panic attacks as well.

Many users are beginning to use this supplement, in order to help them relax; by reducing stress levels and enhancing one’s mood. Since this root comes in various forms and methods of administration, it is important to know which benefits you’re looking to seek.

How Can Valerian Root Benefit Me?

Valerian root is not a new remedy, considering it has been used for over 2000 years. It is most commonly used as a mild, natural sedative. Now that it is becoming more popular in Western society, medicinal research is being conducted. Existing studies have already reported the effects of valerian root, in terms of regulating stress and improve one’s ability to sleep.

Other than the mental complications associated with stress, physical health problems also arise. Increased stress can affect sleeping patterns, while poor sleep patterns can increase stress levels. It is essential to your health, that you get enough sleep. For those that have a hard time falling, then staying asleep, valerian root may be the solution.

While focusing on anxiety, valerian root activates one’s GABA receptors. Since GABA is responsible for stress prevention, it can reduce symptoms of anxiety. Basically, GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps to calm us down when we’re anxious or stressed.

How Does Valerian Root Compare to Prescription Sedatives?

When you take prescription medications for sleep (or anti-anxiety drugs), these prescriptions target your GABA receptors. Unfortunately, these drugs are often associated with numerous side-effects and withdrawal symptoms. Valerian root is believed to have much milder effects, in comparison to prescription drugs.

When people take prescription drugs, they often experience sleepiness or fatigue throughout the following day. Valerian root does not create these effects, which is why it’s being recognized as an effective solution for sleep disorders.

How to Take Valerian Root

As mentioned, valerian root comes in many forms. It is not believed that one form is superior over others, however, depending on the circumstances, one form may be more beneficial than others. This will depend on the circumstance, the benefits that the user is looking to achieve, and the user themselves.

When purchasing valerian root, you want to ensure the highest possible levels of natural root extract. It is the root itself, that contain majority of the active ingredients. Although you may find them cheaper, formulas that are made from the stems, flowers, and leaves; may require larger doses.

It has been recommended that you avoid purchasing products that contain either liquid or dried leaf. When left for extended periods, it’s believed that these products can become toxic. Like any new supplement, make sure that you are well aware of what you’re taking. If you have concerns or questions, speak with your healthcare professional.

Is Valerian Root Safe to Take?

At this time, the exact mechanism of action is not known. Clinical trials and research are being conducted, in order to discover the full effects that this root has on the human body. As mentioned, this root has been used for thousands of years. Any studies conducted thus far, have not found any serious side-effects.

Although more testing is required, users have stated that they have successfully taken this supplement without experiencing any serious side-effects. The general consensus is that valerian root is safe. In rare cases, some users have experienced a skin rash after using this extract. This is not common with oral administration, but has occurred when valerian root is used topically.

The effects are generally mild, taking up to a week to notice results. If you do not notice any effects within the first week, it is recommended that you do not continue taking this supplement, until your have spoken with your physician.

Like any new supplement, speak with a healthcare provider regarding your desired use. This is especially true for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, and for those that are currently on any other medications. It is important to ensure that no interactions will occur.

Recommended Dosage of Valerian Root

If you purchase extract drops, you can mix your dose into a herbal tea before bed. You can also ingest a capsule, providing you with beneficial doses of valerian. The best time to take your dose, is around an hour before bed (it is not recommended that you consume this root more than two hours before bed). It can cause you to be drowsy, which is why you should avoid taking valerian root during the day.

With that being said, some users take small doses before a stressful event. For instance, some individuals become highly anxious before they write an exam or give a public speech. These effects are still being researched. DO NOT take valerian root for the first time, before an important event.

If you do not know how it will affect you, you should not experiment before one of these related events. While at-home, start with the smallest possible dose. From there, you can increase the amount you take, until you find the dosage that is best for you.

The amount of valerian root you take, can directly determine its effectiveness. If you plan on taking valerian root for a short period of time, then 500 to 700 mg each night is recommended. At this dosage, you should discontinue usage after a month. If you would like to take this root extract for a longer period of time, then a dose between 200 and 300 mg is recommended.
