Finding the Right Bacopa Monnieri Dosage

When taking any supplement, finding the right dosage for you can be challenging. This herbal supplement has been used for centuries, but was not studied for its cognitive effects until more recently. When taking this supplement at lower doses, it can increase pain relief and lower symptoms of stress.

If taking Bacopa Monnieri at higher doses, you can experience significant side-effects. This is why it’s important to understand the benefits of this supplement, as well as recommended dosing. Let’s examine what we know about Bacopa, so that you can begin to benefits from its positive effects.

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The Connection Between Bacopa Monnieri and Ayurveda

Indian Ayurveda medicine, has long used this herbal remedy. Before it was known to be a modern cognitive booster, Indian medicine referred to Bacopa as the herb of grace. This plant is typically harvested from wetlands, within the countries Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indian, and Nepal.

The leaves of this herb are either ground to be used in tea, or infused in a topical oil. Bacopa has also long been used to treat inflamed tissue, poor digestion, anxiety, and headaches. Within these conditions, doses were not calculated then administered in terms of a milligram dose. Instead, the dose was based on the emotional state of a patient.

Today, we still use this concept in Western medicine. This is seen in asking patients how they’re feeling. Diagnosing a patient begins with asking them how they feel, it’s the best way to understand underlying symptoms. When choosing the best supplements for your needs, it will begin with your mental and emotional state.

How a Dosage of Bacopa Affects Brain Functioning

Based on the few studies that have been conducted in recent years, the recommended baseline dose is 300 mg daily. This would convert to around 2.5 to 3 cups of traditional Bacopa, known as Brahmi tea. In a cup of this tea, there’s generally around 100 mg. At this dose, effects on mood and mental focus are experienced.

Within Bacopa, there are natural compounds called bacosides. These protect and stimulate levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Since these brain chemicals are directly linked to mood, mental energy, and focus, if you overstimulate these neurotransmitters, you can experience serious side-effects.

By overstimulating serotonin and dopamine in the brain, users can experience withdrawals that can make it difficult to feel happy and remain focused. This is why taking the correct dosage is critical. At proper doses it can be highly beneficial, but at doses too high, you can experience unwanted side-effects.

Bacopa and Stress

The active compounds in Bacopa, support GABA levels in the brain. Unlike many other neurotransmitters, this chemical produces inhibitory effects. It works by reducing stress-related nerve-firing. When nerves are over stimulated, this can create symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Any supplement that supports GABA levels and functioning, are known to be the best for reducing stress. These are known as anxiolytics, as they soothe symptoms of anxiety. Some of the most well-known anxiolytics include Phenibut and L-theanine.

Users that are looking for Bacopa, often choose L-theanine instead. This is due to its beneficial effects, while being less risky in terms of toxicity. For those that are looking for stronger effects, typically choose Phenibut to relieve their anxiety and stress.

Benefiting from Bacopa

Within traditional medicine, the effects from Bacopa may have been produced over the course of months or even years. When attempting to enhance cognitive benefits, this is how long it generally takes to produce positive effects. Within that timeframe, at the right dose, users can reduce chronic pain, poor digestion, and inflammation.

In terms of cognition, mental focus and memory recall tend to improve over this time period. Although it is not the most dramatic supplement when taken on its own, majority of users report positive effects, reporting that it is worthwhile. For those that are looking to speed-up the rate of these effects, there are stacks that compliment this supplement.

When paired with compounds, like the ones found in Alpha Brain, benefits can be amplified. In fact, Alpha Brain is one of the most popular options on the market. Within this special formulation, Bacopa helps reduce stress and improve mental clarity.

So, What’s a Safe Bacopa Dosage?

If you choose to take Bacopa within a pre-made stack, such as Alpha Brain, the proper dose is already calculated for you. If you are taking this supplement on its own, then you should be taking between 200 mg and 400 mg daily. This total daily dosage, should be administered into three equal doses.

Take the first dose in the morning, the next mid-day, then the last sometime in late afternoon. For many users, Bacopa helps them sleep, but this depends on the individual. You can decide if this supplement is appropriate for you and your needs before bed. In most cases however, individuals experience sharp thoughts that can hinder their ability to fall asleep.

Until you fully understand how you personally react to Bacopa, only take this supplement early-on in the day. If you do take this supplement as recommended, it’s safe and effective. The safest possible dose you can take is within Alpha Brain.

If you’re open to trying a mixture of nootropics, then this is most certainly the solution for you. Like any supplement, please speak with your healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns.

A Herbal Remedy Known as Ginkgo Biloba

Within more recent years, Ginkgo Biloba has been highlighted as a memory and mental health booster. However, it is much more than that. Being used to treat a wide range of full-body ailments, users have taken this supplement for anything from an earache, to asthma.

This supplement is nothing new. Within Chinese medicine, this herb dates back thousand of years. It was used to enhance libido, improve energy, and resolve muscle and joint pain. Although these benefits can be enjoyed by users, more recently, Ginkgo has been used for its cognitive effects.

A Little History on Ginkgo in China

When focusing on medicinal herbs, it’s important to study their effects and uses throughout history. This species of tree is believed to have been present on earth for the past 270 million years. With that being said, it’s now considered to be a living fossil, with no close relatives.

Although Ginkgo only grows in the provinces of Tian Mu Shan and Zheilang, it still remains to be the most used herbal supplement in all of China. In fact, this herbal remedy is believed to have history within Chinese medicine, for the past 1500 years.

Healthy, everyday people take this supplement to enhance energy levels, improve circulation, and improve thought processing. This increase in energy flow, helps to boost one’s overall well-being. Throughout the West, the most common use for this herb is improving memory and sharpening thoughts.

How Ginkgo Benefits the Human Body

The key benefits of Ginkgo originate in one’s circulatory system. The most popular and effective nootropics, typically have the ability to enhance circulation. Gingko supports the release of thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin. These help protect vessel walls, while blocking platelet formation. The end result is improved circulation in all major tissues and organs in the body.

Having excellent brain circulation is critical, because if circulation is poor, it can lead to severe imbalances. In more mild cases, individuals can experience headaches. In more severe cases, individuals could have a stroke. When you have good brain flow, these instances can be prevented.

This increased blood flow helps maintain healthy neural tissues. When neuron and synapse growth are supported, memory formation is enhanced. Gingko works by acting as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. This aids in the protection of acetylcholine levels. When all these effects are combined, they lead to greater neuroplasticity. This is the brain’s ability to adapt over time, which is key to mental power long-term.

While focusing on neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, Gingko acts as a Mono Amine Oxidase inhibitor. Since this chemical generally decreases the amount of these neurotransmitters, Gingko helps to boost mental energy, clarity, and focus (by elevating levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine).

Some of the Key Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

The benefits of the herbal supplement, are mainly focused on memory enhancement. When taking this supplement, users are able to enhance their ability to recall facts. This has been seen throughout history, more specifically the last thousand years.

When taking Gingko, you can also improve your intellectual ability, while boosting mental clarity. Since it’s known as an energetic supplement, it can help you lift a poor mood, minimizing symptoms of depression. If you are someone that experiences a hyperactive mind, this could be a great solution, because it helps calms thoughts without creating sedative effects.

As mentioned, this herbal supplement supports enhanced circulation. This is not only within the brain, but the whole body. Tissues and major organs benefit from this boost in circulation, as oxygen and nutrient-rich blood reach these areas of the body. Due to this core benefit, Gingko has been prescribed for a wide range of ailments. Some of these include, symptoms of PMS, muscle and joint pain, and asthma.

What Risks are Associated with Gingko?

There are so many benefits associated with Gingko, they far out-weigh the side-effects. When taking this supplement, only a few people react negatively to moderate doses. The seeds from the Gingko tree are rare, but are avoided. This is because they are toxic, and can lead to seizures.

When taking supplement capsules however, the powder is produced from the leaves of this tree. The leaves are non-toxic, which is why they have been used for thousands of years. If you suffer from a liver condition or have concerns about your blood clotting, this is not a recommended supplement for you.

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, once again please refrain from using Gingko. Since this supplement has some stimulating effects, it is not suitable for children or women who are carrying a child. If you have any concerns, please speak with your healthcare provider.

Enhancing the Effects of Gingko with Other Nootropic Options

In order to get the most out of this supplement, you will need to take the proper dosage. Although the FDA has not approved this supplement, users generally take anywhere between 120 mg and 600 mg. For majority of users, the lowest dose generally produces noticeable effects. Always start with the lowest dose when trying any supplement for the first time.

If you would like to boost the cognitive effects of Gingko, you should stack is with a choline-enhancing supplements. These are known as cholinergics, and include options such as Alpha GPC and Citicoline. By stacking with a choline supplement, you can amplify positive effects.

The Multi Uses and Benefits of Milk Thistle

Milk thistle extract is synthesized from the fruit known as achenes, which comes from the Silybum marianum plant. Like a sunflower seed, achene is a single seed, surrounded by a wall. Majority of milk thistle extracts have approximately 70%-80% of the active ingredient know as silymarin.

This supplement got its name from the milky sap, which comes out of the leaves of this plant once snapped off. It has been used for many years, treating issues with the gallbladder and liver. The plant itself is used as a food source.

The leaves (once trimmed), can be boiled and used in substitution of spinach. You can eat these leaves raw with their flowers, tossing them into a salad. The roots can also be eaten raw or cooked, but are often boil or roasted. You can even stew the stems. Once they have soaked overnight, you can reduce bitterness.

Throughout history, many women have consumed milk thistle, in order to increase milk secretion. While focusing on more modern medicinal practices, milk thistle has been used to treat liver disorders, melancholia, and depression.

What Can Milk Thistle Be Used For?

As a supplement, milk thistle is typically sold in 200 mg capsules. Within a 200 mg capsule, there is typically around 140 mg of silymarin. When purchasing, ensure that the extract was produced from the hard fruit of the plant. Some manufacturers are producing supplements from milk thistle leaves, while evidence shows that silymarin is found specifically in the fruit, which contains the seed.

When preventing liver damage based on chemicals and toxins in one’s environment, milk thistle is a great option. It also has key applications for chronic inflammatory liver disease, jaundice, cirrhosis, and hepatitis. Other common uses are for complications such as gallbladder issues, loss of appetite, heartburn, spleen diseases, allergies, malaria, prostate cancer, hangovers, and more.

The Role of Silymarin

As mentioned the primary active compound in milk thistle is silymarin. It is actually a flavonoid group, composed of silidianin, silicristin, and silibinin. This group works together, helping to repair damaged liver cells. This group of flavonoids have anti-oxidant effects, helping protect users against damage caused by alcohol or other toxins.

Traditionally, milk thistle extract was taken as an antidote for poisonous mushrooms. When individuals accidentally consumed the ‘deathcap’ mushroom, the toxic effects occurred quickly. If this mushroom was followed by milk thistle extract within ten minutes, toxicity was completely prevented. If consumed 24-hours after ingesting the mushroom, liver damage was much less severe. These positive effects have now been confirmed through various animal studies.

The Key Benefits of Milk Thistle

A mixture of milk thistle, peppermint, dandelion, artichoke, and boldo, have been noted as a liver tonic, detoxifying for hangovers, as well fat metabolism. For the average adult, they will typically take 15-20 drops, twice daily (within water).

When you suffer from a damaged liver, you will often experience bad menstrual cycles, skin issues, weight gain, lethargy, and experience difficulties regulating temperature. When attempting to detox your liver, it’s best to avoid coffee, fatty and sugary foods, dairy, fried food, and alcohol.

Studies have shown that milk thistle extract can be used in combination with an antihistamine. The symptoms of allergies are generally reduced more, than when taking just an antihistamine on its own. It is also often combined with a variety of other herbs, so that users can reduce acid reflux, cramping, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

For those that experience bad menstrual cycles, milk thistle can treat symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. It is also found in a skin cream, which is used to prevent skin lesions from radiation regarding breast cancer.

Other evidence has shown that when taking silymarin, it has the ability to reduce one’s blood sugar levels, as well as cholesterol, and triglycerides. For those that have kidney disease, milk thistle may also assist you.

Milk thistle works by increasing haemoglobin levels, which is the protein in red bloods cells that carry oxygen. This is recommended for users who are undergoing hemodialysis. Of course speak with your doctor before starting your first dose to ensure that this supplement is right for you.

Is Milk Thistle Safe?

If you are currently taking medication that is metabolized in the liver, side-effects may increase. This is due to possible interactions. These medications include, but are not limited to:

  1. Amitriptyline (Elavil)
  2. Diazepam (Valium)
  3. Zileuton (Zyflo)
  4. Celecoxib (Celebrex)
  5. Diclofenac (Voltaren)
  6. Fluvastatin (Lescol)
  7. Glipizide (Glucotrol)
  8. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
  9. Irbesartan (Avapro)
  10. Iosartan (Coozaar)
  11. Phenytoin (Dilantin)
  12. Piroxicam (Feldene)
  13. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
  14. Tolbutamide (Tolinase)
  15. Torsemide (Demadex)
  16. Warfarin (Coumadin)
  17. Glucuronidated Drugs

Since estrogen can interact with this supplement, it should not be taken with Statins. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please refrain from using milk thistle. If you are allergic to the Asteracease Compositae plant family, do not take milk thistle. This includes daisies, avocados, and ragweed. As it could cause anaphylactic shock, so please be aware.

If you are a women with uterine, ovarian, or breast cancer, please refrain from taking this supplement. The same is true for those that suffer from endometriosis. You should also not use this supplement if you are taking any other supplements or herbs, which lower your blood sugar. This include bitter melon, Siberian ginseng, garlic, fenugreek, psyllium, and more. As always, check with your doctor before using.

Using Galantamine to Enhance Lucid Dreaming

The supplement known as Galantamine, is often referred to as a pill for lucid dreaming. When taking this supplement, users experience more vivid dreams. It also enhances one’s state of lucidity, so that users have better control and recollection of their dreams.

When taking Galantamine, acetylcholine levels increase. This promotes deeper sleep, as individuals experience longer durations of their REM cycle. Dreams become more detailed and enhanced, as users become more self-aware of their dreams.

What Exactly Is Galantamine

Galantamine is an alkaloid, that is extracted from the Galanthus Caucasius plant; more specifically, the flowers of this plant. It has proved to be effective for medical benefits, including a treatment for dementia and Alzheimer’s. It is of course not a cure, but it can improve one’s symptoms.

At this time, there isn’t a cure for memory-loss conditions like dementia. This is why it’s important to control one’s symptoms, while slowing down the progression of new symptoms. Alzheimer’s patients who take Galantamine, have found that it gives them clearer thoughts. It also boosts their short and long-term memory storage and recall.

Although it is widely used in the medical community, Galantamine can be taken off-label as a cognitive enhancer. Acting as a cholinesterase inhibitor, it helps to improve reasoning and learning capacity. Users also report an increase in their concentration levels and attention span.

What Is Lucid Dreaming?

When focusing on Galanatmine Hydrobromide, there are a number of factors that boost lucid dreaming. While experiencing a lucid dream, you are asleep but are consciously aware that you’re dreaming. Having this realization, allows you to control certain aspects of your dream. Some users experience highly realistic perceptions, being surprised once they awaken and realize that they were truly asleep.

Other users will experience more unrealistic dreams, which will be highly vivid and intense. Details will be vivid, and the user’s memory of the dream will last. Why would you want to lucid dream? Well, there are a number of reasons for using supplements to enhance lucid dreaming.

Whether you’d like to have greater control over your dreams, or would like to fulfil various visualizations, Galanatmine is a great option. When you dream, there are a number of neurotransmitters at work. When these neurotransmitters work together, they’re able to create a new experience, based on stored memories.

Sleeping in a non-dreaming state, is typically influenced by serotonin. This neurotransmitter is also responsible for one’s mood and anxiety levels. Once you enter the REM sleep cycle, you experience an increase of acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is responsible for your attention span, muscle control, memory, and sensory perception.

When acetylcholine levels rise, individuals experience longer durations of REM sleep, allowing you to dream more. Research suggests that acetylcholine also facilitates the process of creating new experiences through memory consolidation. By doing so, you can experience more vivid dreams, helping you remember your dream more clearly and accurately.

When you become lucid within a dream, this is a direct function of your working memory. Since your working memory is controlled by acetylcholine, this is another way in which rising levels influence your dreams and ability to remember the details of your dream. Basically, when you increase acetylcholine levels, you boost lucid dream states and general dreaming activity.

Promoting Lucid Dreams with Galantamine

As mentioned, Galantamine is very effective regarding lucid dreams, due to rising acetylcholine levels. It works as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Once acetylcholine is released, it is broken down by acetylcholinesterase (an enzyme), then recycled. By taking Galantamine, you prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, so that more is available.

When more acetylcholine is available, there’re more to interact with neural receptors. This helps create lucid dreams. When taking choline (a direct precursor to acetylcholine), you can actually promote the effectiveness of Galantamine. This is why this stack is so effective, as you increase the stimulation of cholinergic neurons.

When taking Galantamine for lucid dreams, it is recommended that you utilize a WBTB (wake-back-to-bed) strategy. This is a common method, where users allows themselves to sleep deeply for 4-5 hours, wake up briefly, then fall back asleep.

This practice increases the likelihood that you will experience lucid dreams. It also helps to counteract the possibility of intense nightmares. When you take Galantamine before you regular sleep schedule, nightmares become more common.

Instead of taking Galantamine BEFORE bed, it’s recommended that you take this supplement 4-5 hours into your regular sleep cycle. Set an alarm so that you awake in 5 hours time, taking 4-16 mg of Galantamine immediately. Since many will experience results with 4-8 mg, it’s highly recommended that you start with the lowest recommended dose.

Depending on the Galantamine that you purchase, your dose will typically be administered through one or two tablets. When stacking with a choline supplement, such as Alpha GPC, take 250-500 mg. Some prefer to take choline throughout the day, as it’s ability to make you feel more aware, could hinder your ability to fall back asleep.

Once you take Galantamine, it will be 60 minutes before a full concentration reaches your brain. This provides you enough time to fall back asleep, then reach a REM state of dreaming. It’s important to note, not all users experience lucid dreams on their first attempt. After a week however, many experience a consistent ability to become lucid within their dreams.

What Are the Potential Side-Effects?

This supplement is considered to be safe and is generally well-tolerated. With that being said, those that are allergic to daffodil plants, may experience an allergic reaction. Other common side-effects include nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and headaches. If you take this supplement and experience a skin rash, discontinue use immediately. With any supplement, speak with your doctor before your first dose.

Comparing Modafinil and Adderall: How Do They Differ?

For many business executives and students, they are often seeking ways to enhance levels of motivation and focus. Two of the popular options that are being researched, include both Modafinil and Adderall. These drugs are often prescribed to individuals who suffer from narcolepsy, as they promote wakefulness.

The same is true for ADHD patients, although only Adderall has been approved by the FDA for this purpose. However, psychiatrists are also able to prescribe Modafinil off-label. Both of these drugs most certainly have similar effects, but how do they differ?

The Effects of Modafinil and Adderall

While focusing on both of these drugs, the exact mechanism of action is not known. With that being said, researchers do know which areas of the brain these drugs affect. Since each individual is unique in terms of their brain chemistry, these drugs can also affect people differently.

The Effects of Modafinil

Modafinil effects different areas of the brain, all at the same time. This creates its unique stimulation effect. Researchers believe that Modafinil influences GABA, histamine, glutamate, and noradrenaline levels. Based on its mechanism of action, it creates a natural sense of wakefulness.

By taking Modafinil, users can also boost levels of motivation, helping to increase productivity. Users also report improved mood, as well as an enhanced ability to focus. This is why students and executives tend to seek-out its beneficial effects.

The Effects of Adderall

When taking Adderall, users influence serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. This drug is commonly prescribed to those that suffer from ADHD, as it helps produce calming effects, so that an individual can focus on a task.

For those that do not suffer from ADHD, Adderall tends to have a stimulant effect, both physically and mentally. It has this effect on one’s brain chemistry due to the combination of four amphetamine and dextroamphetamine salts.

The Benefits of Modafinil and Adderall

When taking a supplement, you will be drawn to the positive benefits in which it provides. How can it improve your mental and/or physical state? Now that we have focused on the effects of these drugs, let’s examine the benefits associated with both drugs:

The Benefits of Modafinil

Although Modafinil is a stimulant, it does not work in the same way that Adderall does. When taking Modafinil, users experience a greater attention span and higher energy levels. For individual with ADHD, Modafinil has the ability to naturally enhance overall concentration and focus.

Users often describe Modafinil as a way to experience clarity. It allows users to think more clearly, in a natural and non-speedy way. With that being said, some users have compared Modafinil as being ‘Adderall-lite.’ Meaning, the stimulating effects are lower in comparison to Adderall. This may preferable to you, as you do not want to take an overly stimulating drug.

The Benefits of Adderall

In comparison to Modafinil, Adderall provides a highly stimulating effect. This is due to its influence on various neurotransmitters, increasing activity in both the peripheral and central nervous system. When prescribed for ADHD and narcolepsy, Adderall triggers an adrenaline release.

Blood flow begins to increase, reaching both the users muscles and heart. This enhanced blood flow, boosts energy, allowing users to focus more effectively. When taking Adderall, users also experience an enhanced mood. In fact, some users report a feeling of euphoria.

What Are the Potential Side-Effects?

When taking almost any drug, there’s the possibility of side-effects. The side-effects associated with smart drugs like Modafinil and Adderall are especially worrying. When ranking medications based on the risk of side-effects, health officials rank drugs based on mild, moderate, or serious in terms of its side-effects. When deciding whether or not a drug will be controlled and prescribed, addiction potential is taken into account.

Side-Effects of Modafinil

While taking Modafinil, it is possible that you’ll experience a number of side-effects. This can include headaches, nausea, anxiety, and nervousness. Although more serious side-effects are rare, they can occur. These include shaking, trembling, a skin rash, and uncontrollable movements.

Although side-effects are possible, Modafinil does not have an addiction potential, which is highly positive. This is unusual for a wakefulness agent. Based on this, Modafinil is considered to be much safer than other stimulants. Based on these findings, Modafinil is being looked at as a possible replacement for Adderall.

Side-Effects of Adderall

While taking Adderall, similar possible side-effects can occur. These include nausea, anxiety, headaches, restlessness, nervousness, and dizziness. More serious side-effects include seizures, chest pain, tics, and hallucinations. Adderall can also cause one’s blood pressure to rise, causing heart palpitations.

Since Adderall is habit forming, continuous use can create a dependency. There is also a concern that Adderall will increase one’s likelihood of abusing other substances, since it is an amphetamine. This is one of the key reasons that individual with ADHD seek alternative treatment methods.

Summary: Which Option Should You Choose?

Both of these prescription drugs are used to treat narcolepsy, as well as those who have been diagnosed with ADHD. They both can be used for their powerful cognitive enhancing properties, as there is a fair amount of off-label usage for both Modafinil and Adderall. Those that would like to boost productivity or their ability to focus, can most certainly benefit.

When treating ADD/ADHD patients, doctors typically have these individuals try either Adderall or Ritalin, before they are prescribed Modafinil. This is due to the fact that Adderall produces more potent effects. For those that have tried both, many describe Modafinil as having an extremely potent cup of coffee, while Adderall is far more stimulating (producing greater effects on one’s ability to focus).

Yes, the effects of Adderall are more potent. However, once the effects wear off, users often feel burnt out or on edge. This is why many recommend taking Modafinil on consecutive days, decreasing the degree of burnout. Energy and emotional crashes are also less common.

When comparing these two drugs, it’s important to remember that both can produce side-effects. If you are able to achieve the results you’re looking for, Modafinil tends to create less negative effects. You should only be taking these drugs under medical supervision, based on a medical professional’s recommendation. If you cannot obtain Modafinil, than Adrafinil is an alternative which does not require a prescription.

Bust Stress Levels with Valerian Oil

Valerian oil is a supplement in which promotes stress relief. Mainly made from the root of this plant, valerian oil is sometimes made from the leaves and stems as well. Valerian root itself, comes in many different forms. You can purchase pills, tea, and even liquid tincture.

Valerian oil, is specifically used on one’s skin for aromatherapy purposes. Other forms are typically ingested, which is why this form of oil is unique. Based on traditional medicine, the benefits of valerian oil have been well documented.

Although the benefits and mechanism of action still need to be discovered, researchers continue to identify the active compounds in this oil, allowing them to understand what effects it has. Let’s examine some of these benefits more closely.

A Little Background Information on Valerian Oil

Valerian root has been used for thousands of years, based on its calming effects. Within the past three decades, this oil has been extensively researched based on its relaxing effects. Based on this research, it’s been found that valerenic acid, valerone, and sesquiterpenes are the active components.

The main purposes for taking valerian oil, include relieving stress and symptoms of insomnia. If taking dietary supplements, these are generally taken in the evening, so that users can obtain a restful night sleep. Valerian essential oil can be used a few ways, but it is not recommended for oral consumption.

There are however, tinctures that can be added to beverages and teas. This oil acts as a natural sedative, as the FDA considers valerian to be safe for most of the population. In order to determine whether or not this is the right product for you, it’s best to speak with your doctor.

Using Valerian Oil for Aromatherapy

Using valerian root as an incense is becoming increasingly popular. When you add a small amount to an oil burner, you can effectively fill the room with the scent of valerian. This creates a calming effect on those exposed to the burning oil.

Although using valerian oil within aromatherapy is popular, there is one major concern. The odor itself is not very pleasant. Majority of users report that this oil is effective in terms of its sedative properties, but the smell if too foul to fill your living or sleeping space. After burning, some users have reported a lingering smell for a few days after.

Based on these undesirable effects, many companies have manufactured this oil, mixing it with other natural plant extracts. This helps to mask the smell, as a wide variety of ingredients being used. Some companies used natural oils, while others will use synthetic. Since there are so many possibilities, always check the labels. This will ensure that you’re not allergic to the additive included in that specific oil.

Topical Valerian Oil on the Skin

When using valerian oil on the skin, many would prefer to avoid the odor associated with this oil. Instead, you can add a small quantity to your bath, since mixing with large quantities of water, reduces the smell substantially. This is a great natural remedy for your skin.

You can also add a couple drops of essential oil to your bath. By doing this, you can promote relaxation, decrease stress, and feel an overall sense of calm. This helps users fall asleep more easily.

Some evidence supports the idea that valerian oil may also be effective for skin conditions. It’s been found that when you apply valerian oil directly to your skin, or mix it with another moisturizer; you can reduce the pain and itching from cuts and bites. This plant has been used for this purpose for hundreds of years within Europe. Another prime example is relieving the burning itch from stinging nettles.

Valerian Oil and Sleep

As mentioned, this oil has sedative properties. This is way it’s a promising solution for those that suffer from insomnia. Since this plant is considered to be safe (as it has gentle effects on the human body), Valerian is a well-known substitute for prescription drugs. When medication is prescribed for sleeping disorders, there’s always concerning risks. With valerian oil, these risks are diminished.

When studied for its effects on sleep, it was found that this oil helps people fall asleep faster. Users also tend to increase the quality of their sleep, as mental disturbances are limited. If you would like to use this oil for this purpose, burn a small amount in an aroma lamp before you go to bed. You can also mix this oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut), and massage it into your skin. Adding a few drops to your nighttime bath will also yield positive results.

Valerian Oil for Depression and Other Mental Health Conditions

Researchers have found that this oil influences GABA levels in the brain. This neurotransmitter is known to have calming effects on nerve cells. In turn, this helps reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. The aroma of valerian oil, is trusted in terms of combating seizures, emotional stress, depression, tension, anxiety, mental strain, and trauma.

More recently, studies has documented the effects that Valerian oil has on depression. Based on the ways in which it influences your central nervous system, it has the ability to send you into a hypnotic-like state. This is more commonly seen when using Valerian Wallichii essential oil. This option can also help you discard toxins from your joints, nerves, tissues, and blood.

Neurological Effects and Valerian Oil

Herbalists often use preparations containing valerian oil, when treating peripheral, autonomic, and central nervous system conditions. Also, based on the attention-enhancing properties of this herb, some German physicians have started using valerian root to treat ADHD in children.

Valerian Oil and Pain

Valerian oil can aid in a number of painful conditions. It is commonly used to prevent severe premenstrual symptoms. When premenstrual concerns surface, this oil can often help treat anxiety and sleeping complications. It is also used to treat gout pain, headaches, migraines, and rheumatism.

If you’re interested in purchasing valerian oil, the price will depend on both the quality and quantity of natural ingredients used. When oil contains higher concentrations of valerian, they tend to cost more. However, if you would like to achieve the positive effects mentioned above, you will need to opt for a higher quality product. Before taking this oil for any condition, speak with your healthcare professional.

Effects of Rhodiola Rosea Extract on Nervous System & Stress

More and more extracts are being discovered for their medicinal properties. Rhodiola rosea extract is a prime example of one of these extracts. Due to two key chemical compounds (rosavin and salidroside), this extracts have positive effects on our nervous system. Let’s examine these compounds separately, as they do have unique effects.

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What is Rhodiola Rosea?

When you cut the root of this plant, it creates the aroma of roses. This is why Rhodiola rosea is often referred to as Rose Root. Since this plant grows best at high altitudes, it is commonly found in Siberia, as well as Asia. For centuries, it has been used to improve balance regarding emotional, environmental, and physical stress.

It wasn’t until recently, that the West began to recognize the benefits associated with this plant. There were research studies conducted in the Soviet Union during the Cold War, proving significant benefits. This is in terms of both traditional and alternative medicine.

It is believed that Rhodiola rosea has been used since Viking times, when they aimed to boost their endurance levels, reduce fatigue, and enhance mood. Since the introduction of Rhodiola rosea to the United States, it has been extensively researched, finding various positive effects.

Salidroside’s Effects

The compound known as salidroside is not just found in Rhodiola rosea, but several other species of plants as well (all which are unrelated). This component has been proven to inhibit the release of various chemicals, which tend to cause feelings of anxiety and stress.

There are many herbs that help to reduce symptoms of anxiety, however Rhodiola rosea is known to work faster than most herbs. It also helps to control on-going symptoms, while acting as an effective preventative measure.

Salidroside is thought to reduce cortisol levels, helping to increase neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Initial dosing tends to have positive effects, as a response is generally experienced from the first few doses that are taken.

Within a research study, it was found that salidroside is the possibly the most effective component of Rhodiola rosea extract. While focusing on rosavin in comparison, it was found that they were less effective. However, it is only when these compounds are combined, that unique and significant benefits are experienced.

The Role of Rosavin

The second key component in Rhodiola rosea, is rosavin. It is believed that this component is responsible for some of the mood boosting effects, experienced by those that take this supplement. When purchasing Rhodiola rosea, you will notice a percentage of rosavin displayed.

This helps users understand the potency of the extract they’re interested in. The potency of a supplement, helps to determine the dosage. Whenever you purchase a supplement, you need to identify the concentration of active ingredients. Although research is still being conducted, rosavins are said to be a key ingredient.

Like salidroside, rosavin is said to reduce symptoms of anxiety. Cell cultures have been examined in regards to rosavin, which has yielded possible anti-fatigue, anti-cancer, and anti-oxidant effects. It has also shown to be effective against auto-immune conditions.

With that being said, rosavins do not work in isolation. It’s been found that only when rosavin is combined with other components (such as salidroside), does it create these beneficial results. As mentioned, salidroside is considered to be the most potent, but it still relies on rosavin to produce significant effects. At this time, it is not known how they work in conjunction with one another.

The Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea

When something helps to reduce anxiety, it is commonly known as an anxiolytic. The benefits of an anxiolytic, help to prevent symptoms, or aid in on-going symptoms. Rhodiola rosea is said to do both, with few, if any side-effects.

Unfortunately, depression and anxiety are increasingly common in modern society. These high levels of stress and anxiety, tend to create numerous physical side-effects. This is because when you’re anxious, your body begins to prepare for a fight or flight response.

Think about times when you feel nervous of experience anxiety, your heart rate increases, as well as blood flow. In order to boost energy and alertness, your cortisol and adrenaline levels rise. Although this has benefits short-term, chronic stress and anxiety can create a number of negative health effects.

When you are exposed to chronic states of stress, this can result in chronic conditions. Initial anxiety may turn into a more chronic, serious condition. When taking Rhodiola rosea, you can effectively reduce the level of stress hormones, helping to protect your overall health.

It is worth mentioning, that not all Rhodiola rosea plants are equal. Plants will have some common components, however not every plant will contain the same compounds. This is due to where they’re grown in the world, as they take on different properties. Basically, a plant from one country, may not contain the same ratio as another country’s plant.

At this time, the Rhodiola rosea from Siberia is the highest quality. It has been shown to positively impact various ailments, including issues with libido, energy, desire, stamina, muscle strength, longevity, mood, as well as anxiety.

What Is the Recommended Dose?

When taking a new supplement, it’s important to understand what dosage you should take. This will help maximize benefits, while hindering side-effects. The most common doses are between 200 and 600 mg daily. If you suffer from depression, then you may need doses between 350 and 680 mg daily. These doses have been evaluated for a 12-week period. Numerous studies have reported this supplement to be safe in terms of toxicity.

Information is fairly limited, but research and clinical trails have found few adverse reactions, if any. Studies will continue to be conducted, however it has been well tolerated in most people. If you are concerned about trying this supplement for the first time, please feel free to speak to your healthcare provider.

Maintaining & Improving Your Brain Health with Pterostilbene

If you’re not taking supplements to boost your cognitive functioning, then you’re more than likely looking to boost your health. Pterostilbene is known to promote positive health, aiding in longevity. Considering it is related to resveratrol, this supplement provides a variety of neuroprotective benefits.

This compound is found in blueberries and grapes, however the amount is fairly insignificant. In order to experience positive effects, it is recommended that you take pterostilbene in supplement form. If you do choose supplementation, then you can purchase this compound on its own, or enjoy its benefits within the stack known as Alpha Brain.

Although related, the key difference between resveratrol and pterostilbene, is that pterostilbene is more bioavailable. Since its half-life is between 80 and 105 minutes, this supplement is easily transported into your cells. This supplement displays anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-oxidant properties, making it highly sought after.

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The Effects of Pterostilbene

When taking pterostilbene, its effects are extremely interesting. It tends to mimic calorie restrictions, which is one of the most common life extension strategies. This effect has been seen across various breeds, including dogs, rodents, and fish, but the long-term effects on humans is not fully known. In theory, restricting calories without reaching a state of malnutrition, helps to decelerate the aging process.

The effects of this supplement occur on a molecular level, by down-regulating genes that allow cancer cell to develop and grow. It also works by lowering both blood lipids and sugar levels, decreasing markers of damaged proteins in the liver.

Just as calorie restriction does, pterostilbene is believed to reduce inflammation. When you experience chronic inflammation, you’re more likely to develop age-related diseases. These include chronic inflammatory disease, Alzheimer’s, and atherosclerosis.

What Are Some of the Key Benefits?

While focusing on the benefits of pterostilbene, these positive effects can be amplified by incorporating resveratrol as well. This is especially true when considering the closely related effects of calorie restriction. Resveratrol tends to activate genes at the beginning of the molecular process, while pterostilbene activates genes later in the cycle.

Both supplements may help users prevent diabetes and cancer, while maintaining healthy blood lipids. The benefits tend to be amplified when taken together. Since inflammation is linked to so many diseases, it is important to take a proactive approach. Pterostilbene is a great choice, as it’s known to be a strong anti-inflammatory agent.

Once again, this links back to calorie restriction. Taking this supplement, helps to modify enzymes that regulate glucose levels. Based on these modifications, you can decrease the number of proteins damaged by glucose.

While taking pterostilbene, you can also reduce your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This helps protect your cardiovascular system, preventing the hardening of arteries. This helps you protect yourself against heart attacks and stroke, while reducing oxidative stress.

One of the most common cognitive conditions associated with aging is Alzheimer’s. This supplement may be effective at preventing this disease, along with other related cognitive deficiencies. This is believed to be linked to pterostilbene’s anti-inflammatory properties, as inflammation is a potential cause of Alzheimer’s. It also helps reduce dopamine loss from the brain’s memory center.

While focusing on cancer, numerous studies have found that pterostilbene may assist preventative measures. This is because pterostilbene appears to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, through cell death. It also helps reduce how these cells spread throughout the body.

Comparing Pterotilbene and Resveratrol

Since both these compounds are found in grapes, what are some of the key differences? How do they differ in terms of their benefits? There are of course similarities, but there are also key differences. Both of these compounds have numerous health benefits, mainly due to their high anti-oxidant content.

Since they both help reduce one’s risk of heart disease, prevent the hardening of arteries, fight oxidative stress, and lower bad cholesterol, which is the better choice? The best way to compare, is by looking at each supplement’s potency. In that sense, pterostilbene is believed to be stronger, since it is has a higher bioavailability.

Many researchers believe that pterotilbene, is an improved version of resveratrol. However, more recently, users have not been choosing between the two. Instead, they’re stacking both supplements. This is because each supplement out-performs the other in certain areas. When combining the two, you can maximize results. This will provide you with the greatest benefits, boosting your cellular health.

What are the Potential Side-Effects?

While taking this supplement, there have been no negative side-effects reported. Pterostilbene is considered to be incredibly safe, but that does not mean that you shouldn’t take precautions. While taking this supplement, start with the lowest dose. Work your way up, seeing how it affects you. You can also discuss any concerns you may have with your healthcare provider.

What’s the Recommended Dosage?

As mentioned, starting with a low dose is recommended. Due to studies conducted, the recommended dose lies between 50 mg and 250 mg. It is best to split this dose into two administrations, taking one in the morning, then one in the afternoon. Based on this supplement’s short half-life, this is why two doses are preferred. This helps ensure that the supply is fairly consistent across time.

It is also important that you purchase pterostilbene that is pure. Look out for numerous additives, which some manufacturers use during the preparation process. Once you become familiar and adjusted to the effects, you can adjust a dose that best suits you.

The Effects and Benefits of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a form of the amino acid L-cysteine, known for its varied benefits. It is often used during cancer and HIV therapies, as well as acetaminophen overdoses. This supplement will commonly be used when exposed to heavy metal poisoning, infections, and open wounds. It is also used with psychiatric medicine, because it influences both dopamine and glutamate in the brain.

While focusing on mental health, this compound is used to treat Alzheimer’s depression, addiction, schizophrenia, and more. All of these conditions are considered neurological disorders, which often require changes to occur at a neurological level. Due to its antioxidant properties, it promotes a stable immune system, along with healthy cognitive functioning.

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The Effects of N-Acetyl Cysteine

In order to build protein, you require amino acids. In order to maintain healthy tissue growth, as well as the production of hormones, you require proteins. Proteins are essential in terms of cognitive health and functioning. In fact, some individual proteins help trigger the release of various neurotransmitters.

Focusing on NAC, it helps regulate the amount of glutamate present in the brain. In turn, this helps maintain healthy metabolism, as well as cellular energy. Dopamine is another neurotransmitter which is affected by NAC. It helps mediate the amount of dopamine that’s available. When dopamine levels are heightened, users experience increased drive, mental focus, mental energy, as well as an improved mood.

How Will N-Acetyl Cysteine Benefit Me?

While focusing on the benefits of NAC, there’s a broad range of applications. Not only can it help prevent hangovers, but it is thought to prevent damage to the liver. Since it has strong anti-toxicity effects, it has been used when individuals overdose on Tylenol. This is a standard response in hospitals, when a Tylenol overdose occurs.

For those that experience low mental drive and energy, this can be a possible support option. This application is commonly seen within psychiatric practices, as NAC helps influence dopamine and glutamate. Since it also has positive effects on one’s attention span, some individuals with ADHD are using NAC within their treatment.

If you are trying to quit smoking, this supplement may help. NAC is used for a variety of addictions and addictive behaviour. Since it provides antioxidant effects, NAC helps prevent both heart and lung disease. It can also repair any damage that was incurred from heavy metal poisoning. When combined with other HIV therapies, this supplement has shown anti-infection properties.

What Are the Possible Side-Effects Associated with N-Acetyl Cysteine?

For some users, this supplement can cause gastrointestinal side-effects. These effects include vomiting, nausea, constipation, and diarrhea. In some causes, these effects are linked to the toxicities in which this supplement is being used to treat. Although natural, you should start with the lowest dose. Once you experience positive effects, you can increase your dosage.

NAC has been known to dilate blood vessels, which increases blood flow. Due to this effect, please refrain from taking NAC if you are currently on blood thinners. The same applies for those that are taking blood pressure medications. Speak with your doctor if you suffer from issues with your cardiovascular health.

If you are taking any strong stimulants, such as Adderall, this combination can cause over stimulation. If you suffer from ADHD and believe this applies to you, please speak with your healthcare professional. This combination can cause a faster heart rate, as well as breathing difficulties.

For most people, side-effects are mild and short-lived. If you are a healthy individual, who is not currently taking medication, you should not experience any serious side-effects. Remember, start with the lowest dose, and speak with your doctor if you have any concerns.

How Much N-Acetyl Cysteine Should I Take?

Following the recommended dose is crucial for any supplement, natural or not. While focusing on NAC, there are a broad range of recommended doses. This is because certain individuals, use NAC for specific reasons. Due to its varied uses, recommended dosages tend to differ.

If you are an adult in good health, then NAC can be taken as a general wellness supplement, helping to improve your cognitive health. In this case, take NAC twice per day, at a dose of 600 mg. At this amount, you should experience boosted motivation, as well as enhanced mental focus.

If you are looking for natural supplements that provide cognitive effects, you have numerous options. Some are hesitant regarding energy-boosting stimulants. If this is you, you can still achieve mental focus, by stimulating the cholinergic system. This is generally achieved by taking racetam supplements, which boost acetylcholine.

Supplements like NAC, which stimulate dopamine levels, can be combined with choline supplements. This will allow users to combine the benefits of motivation and intelligence. If you are looking to treat specific conditions, like asthma, then you should take around 200 mg daily. However, complications can occur for those with asthma, which is why doses should be monitored by a healthcare professional.

Some other common doses include:

  • For chest pain and fibrosing alveolitis (a lung condition), take 600 mg of NAC, three time daily
  • To reduce flu symptoms, take 600 mg, twice daily
  • To reduce homocysteine in the blood, take 1.2 grams daily
  • For preventing damage to the bladder, due to cancer treatment, take 1-2 grams every 6 hours
  • For treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), take 600 mg, once daily

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, please refrain from taking NAC. Although this supplement can cross the placenta, there has been any reports of harm to unborn children or their mothers. To be safe, NAC should only be used in times of need, such as acetaminophen toxicity. If you have an infection or have been poisoned, treatment with NAC should be performed by a doctor only. This applies to everyone, pregnant or not.

How Grape Seed Extract Can Benefit Your Cognitive Health

Not only are users in the nootropic community looking to boost their cognitive abilities, but their overall brain health as well. Luckily, there are some supplements which provide you with both benefits. Grape seed extract is a prime example, as it’s known for its nutritional benefits, as well as its cognitive effects.

Not only does this extract help prevent free-radical brain damage, but it also helps improve one’s memory, while reducing stress and inflammation in the brain. It is also being studied for its potential life extension and anti-aging effects.

Grapes are nothing new, as you have probably eaten them many times before. This nutrient-rich, fruiting berry, has been used for thousands of years. The use of grapes was common in ancient Greece and Egypt, for both nutritional and medicinal purposes. With that being said, it was most commonly used for wine.

We’re used to eating plump, juicy grapes, however, grape leaves also provide benefits. These leaves have been used in order to stop bleeding, minimize pain, and reduce inflammation. Unripe and dried grapes have also been utilized, treating sore throats and constipation respectively.

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What Are the Effects of Grape Seed Extract?

Extracts that are sold today, are typically derivatives from grape seeds. These seeds have a high concentration of flavanoids, vitamin E, linoleic acid, and phenolic OPC’s (which are powerful anti-oxidant). Although you will find the highest concentrations of OPC’s within the seeds, there are lower concentrations in the juice and skin as well.

Due to the effects of grape seed extract, the compounds mentioned above are may be useful for treating a variety of illnesses and diseases. So, how does this extract work? Well, this natural supplement has hundreds of separate components, making it challenging to understand which ingredient creates which specific effect.

With that being said, flavanoids and polyphenols tend to be the most effective and beneficial. These work by providing anti-oxidant effects. They target free-radicals, which have been linked to a number of degenerative diseases, as well as cancer. Not only do these compounds fight off free-radicals, but they also help to remove toxins from the body.

A lot of research has been conducted on resveratrol (a polyphenol found in grapes), which has shown to increase the lifespan of numerous animal species. It has been reported as a compound which has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-oxidant effects. It also helps individuals stabilize their blood sugar, improving their overall cardiovascular health.

What Are the Key Benefits?

When users take grape seed extract, they achieve a number of benefits. Not only does the brain benefit, but multiple organs and internal systems also benefit. Since this supplement helps to reduce bad cholesterol (known as your LDL levels), it helps to protect your heart. It has also been reported as a protector against bacterial infections.

For those that have diabetes, this could be a great addition to your health routine. Considering diabetes can create a number of complications (including issues with one’s cardiovascular and nervous system), grape seed extract can help. By significantly improving both inflammation and fluctuating blood sugar levels, diabetics can help prevent future health complications.

Whether you’re diabetic or not, grape seed extract has been shown to improve one’s blood pressure. It also helps to reduce one’s risk of developing heart disease or type 2 diabetes. All of these systems are interconnected, so improving one system (for instance your cardiovascular health), can help improve other systems as well.

As mentioned above, grape seed extract is a powerful anti-oxidant. By removing oxidative stress from the body and mind, you can greatly improve your future health. With diseases like Alzheimer’s, it’s believed that free-radical damage creates brain plaque. Antioxidants help target these free-radicals, before they cause damage.

You do not need to eliminate all free-radicals in order to stay healthy. In fact, free-radicals do play a role in terms of our metabolism. Damage and negative effects occur when these free-radicals are not kept under control. This is why daily supplementation can assist free-radicals levels, preventing various diseases and brain damage.

Are There Side-Effects?

At this time, there are no reported serious side-effects for grape seed extract. There is a slight possibility that you may experience some mild stomach discomfort. Other than that, this supplement is generally very well tolerated. At this present time, there are two core groups which should avoid this supplement.

If you are pregnant or nursing, then please avoid grape seed extract. Also, if you are on blood thinners, then you should also not take this supplement. If you are currently taking any medication, please check with your doctor, ensuring your safety.

Grape Seed Extract Dosage

It is important to understand the recommended dosage for any supplement you take. When supplements are considered safe, that is often at a recommended, controlled dose. When taking grape seed extract, it comes in various forms.

You can consume this supplement in tablet, capsule, or liquid form. In order to achieve the greatest effects, you should look for products that have a OPC content of at least 95%. Since there are so many different forms, there is not a standardized dosage.

On average, users typically take between 25 mg and 150 mg daily. However, there have been doses up to 900 mg reported. In order to maintain anti-oxidant support, you should take the typical dose (up to 150 mg). If you suffer from chronic venous insufficiency, it’s recommended that you take up to 300 mg daily.

Like any supplement, start with a lower dose. See how that affects you before taking anymore. Also, discuss any concerns that you may have with your doctor.