Maintaining & Improving Your Brain Health with Pterostilbene

If you’re not taking supplements to boost your cognitive functioning, then you’re more than likely looking to boost your health. Pterostilbene is known to promote positive health, aiding in longevity. Considering it is related to resveratrol, this supplement provides a variety of neuroprotective benefits.

This compound is found in blueberries and grapes, however the amount is fairly insignificant. In order to experience positive effects, it is recommended that you take pterostilbene in supplement form. If you do choose supplementation, then you can purchase this compound on its own, or enjoy its benefits within the stack known as Alpha Brain.

Although related, the key difference between resveratrol and pterostilbene, is that pterostilbene is more bioavailable. Since its half-life is between 80 and 105 minutes, this supplement is easily transported into your cells. This supplement displays anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-oxidant properties, making it highly sought after.

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The Effects of Pterostilbene

When taking pterostilbene, its effects are extremely interesting. It tends to mimic calorie restrictions, which is one of the most common life extension strategies. This effect has been seen across various breeds, including dogs, rodents, and fish, but the long-term effects on humans is not fully known. In theory, restricting calories without reaching a state of malnutrition, helps to decelerate the aging process.

The effects of this supplement occur on a molecular level, by down-regulating genes that allow cancer cell to develop and grow. It also works by lowering both blood lipids and sugar levels, decreasing markers of damaged proteins in the liver.

Just as calorie restriction does, pterostilbene is believed to reduce inflammation. When you experience chronic inflammation, you’re more likely to develop age-related diseases. These include chronic inflammatory disease, Alzheimer’s, and atherosclerosis.

What Are Some of the Key Benefits?

While focusing on the benefits of pterostilbene, these positive effects can be amplified by incorporating resveratrol as well. This is especially true when considering the closely related effects of calorie restriction. Resveratrol tends to activate genes at the beginning of the molecular process, while pterostilbene activates genes later in the cycle.

Both supplements may help users prevent diabetes and cancer, while maintaining healthy blood lipids. The benefits tend to be amplified when taken together. Since inflammation is linked to so many diseases, it is important to take a proactive approach. Pterostilbene is a great choice, as it’s known to be a strong anti-inflammatory agent.

Once again, this links back to calorie restriction. Taking this supplement, helps to modify enzymes that regulate glucose levels. Based on these modifications, you can decrease the number of proteins damaged by glucose.

While taking pterostilbene, you can also reduce your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This helps protect your cardiovascular system, preventing the hardening of arteries. This helps you protect yourself against heart attacks and stroke, while reducing oxidative stress.

One of the most common cognitive conditions associated with aging is Alzheimer’s. This supplement may be effective at preventing this disease, along with other related cognitive deficiencies. This is believed to be linked to pterostilbene’s anti-inflammatory properties, as inflammation is a potential cause of Alzheimer’s. It also helps reduce dopamine loss from the brain’s memory center.

While focusing on cancer, numerous studies have found that pterostilbene may assist preventative measures. This is because pterostilbene appears to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, through cell death. It also helps reduce how these cells spread throughout the body.

Comparing Pterotilbene and Resveratrol

Since both these compounds are found in grapes, what are some of the key differences? How do they differ in terms of their benefits? There are of course similarities, but there are also key differences. Both of these compounds have numerous health benefits, mainly due to their high anti-oxidant content.

Since they both help reduce one’s risk of heart disease, prevent the hardening of arteries, fight oxidative stress, and lower bad cholesterol, which is the better choice? The best way to compare, is by looking at each supplement’s potency. In that sense, pterostilbene is believed to be stronger, since it is has a higher bioavailability.

Many researchers believe that pterotilbene, is an improved version of resveratrol. However, more recently, users have not been choosing between the two. Instead, they’re stacking both supplements. This is because each supplement out-performs the other in certain areas. When combining the two, you can maximize results. This will provide you with the greatest benefits, boosting your cellular health.

What are the Potential Side-Effects?

While taking this supplement, there have been no negative side-effects reported. Pterostilbene is considered to be incredibly safe, but that does not mean that you shouldn’t take precautions. While taking this supplement, start with the lowest dose. Work your way up, seeing how it affects you. You can also discuss any concerns you may have with your healthcare provider.

What’s the Recommended Dosage?

As mentioned, starting with a low dose is recommended. Due to studies conducted, the recommended dose lies between 50 mg and 250 mg. It is best to split this dose into two administrations, taking one in the morning, then one in the afternoon. Based on this supplement’s short half-life, this is why two doses are preferred. This helps ensure that the supply is fairly consistent across time.

It is also important that you purchase pterostilbene that is pure. Look out for numerous additives, which some manufacturers use during the preparation process. Once you become familiar and adjusted to the effects, you can adjust a dose that best suits you.