What is Bacopa Monnieri? How Can it Improve Brain Function?

Bacopa Monnieri is a herb that has been widely used within Ayurvedic medicine. It’s generally recommended for memory enhancement, stress reduction, even epilepsy and asthma. It is the closest natural supplement to Piracetam. In comparison to other natural products, it is also much stronger.

The benefits of this supplement are not synthesized in a lab. This supplement is made from a wild growing plant. The leaves were found to have a calming effect. It was then discovered that this plant created cognitive enhancement. Research is also looking at the potential neuroprotective properties it may yield.

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History of Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa is a herb that is native to Asia, India, Africa, Europe, and South America. This herb has a long history within Ayurvedic medicine in terms of neurological and behavioural defects. It was traditionally used to enhance learning, clarity, concentration, and memory.

Within traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Bacopa Monnieri has also been used for inflammation, tumours, ulcers, and indigestion. It was initially described in the 6th century AD, as an herb that is taken for mental deficits and sharpened intellect.

It was also allegedly used by ancient Vedic scholars in order to memorize scriptures and hymns. Today, many over-the-counter supplements use Bacopa Monnieri as the main ingredient.

How Does Bacopa Monnieri Work?

There is a component in Barcopa Monnieri known as bacosides. This plays a direct role in the regulation of serotonin and dopamine. Both of these neurochemicals are known to regulate mood. As well, serotonin is associated with feelings of peace, and dopamine is associated with mental energy and motivation.

Serotonin and dopamine are the main chemicals associated with Barcopa Monnieri’s effects, but GABA is also influenced. Bacopa Monnieri increases GABA receptors, which is directly related to our stress levels.

Bacopa Monnieri is known as a adaptogen. These work by blocking stress signals at a neurochemical level. This is a proactive measure, stopping stress from triggering a response in the body. When taking Bacopa Monnieri, it decreases HSP70 in the brain. This protein is related to stress levels, so the user is able to adapt better to external factors.

It also increase levels of kinase, which improves communication between our nerves. With GABA, this organizes over-active messages and yields a higher sense of clarity in terms of cognition. In terms of memory, Bacopa Monnieri increase the enzyme TPH2. This increases the production of new connections between neurons. This allows neurons and synapses to increase their activity, allowing information to be transferred more efficiently. This helps improve long-term memory

Benefits of Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa Monnieri is recommended by nootropic enthusiasts, as it provides so many benefits. The main issue that is involved with Bacopa Monnieri’s benefits is timing issues. For people that experience high levels of stress, they tend to need relief quickly.

Bacopa Monnieri can take a while to yield benefits. Once taken over years, stress can be significantly lowered. You always have the option to take Bacopa in a stack, which is discussed below.

Bacopa Monnieri reduces feelings of stress and anxiety. This is especially beneficial for individuals that experience panic attacks or have anxiety disorders. It helps to organize confusing, racing thoughts. In doing so, users can focus more easily. This is promising for a potential ADHD therapy treatment, as this creates a more mentally calm environment for the user.

Users can experience a happier mood. Due to its mood lifting abilities, Bacopa Monnieri can be considered an anti-depressant. Also, this herb can be used to treat symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease due to its memory boosting and enhanced learning abilities.

Taking Bacopa Monnieri in a Stack

If you’re an experienced nootropic user, you’re more than likely aware of stacking nootropics. When you take certain nootropics in a stack, you can enhance the benefits regarding cognition and brain health.

Although Bacopa Monnieri can be stacked with stronger nootropic supplements like Noopept and Piracetam, the most common stack is with Alpha Brain. This helps to increase the benefits experienced in terms of memory and cognition.

Potential Side-Effects of Bacopa Monnieri

This herb has been taken for centuries, so it’s considered fairly safe. There have not been any major side-effects reported. This herb has already been approved within supplements such as Alpha Brain, which is safe and free from side-effects.

Although side-effects are not experienced when taking Alpha Brain, Bacopa Monnieri on its own has upset some users stomachs. This has included nausea and an overall irritated stomach. Some users also experienced fatigue, increased urination, and indigestion.

If you’re taking any thyroid drugs, sedatives, or calcium channel blockers, you may experience negative interactions. Irregular heartbeats have also ben reported, so anyone with serious heart conditions should be aware. Speak to your doctor about your concerns, they will assist you further.

Recommended Dosage

Dosage is not typically an area of concern, but the standard dose is 300 mg daily. This dose is not considered to be toxic in any way. Remember, if you feel like your stomach is being affected, stop usage. You can achieve similar effects by taking a supplement like Piracetam.

Also remember, Bacopa Monnieri has a very slow efficacy. You may think that it’s not working, which may not be the case. Benefits regarding cognition and memory for example, may take a while to appear. Do not continuously up the dosage if you think this is the case. Give yourself at least two hours to feel its effects. To increase this speed, you can take Bacopa Monnieri in a stack as mentioned above.

How to Treat ADHD Naturally

ADHD is generally diagnosed in preschool, when children cannot control their behavior or pay attention. This makes it challenging for the child, parents, teacher, and classmates. In the United States alone, it is estimated that approximately 2 million children have ADHD.

It’s not uncommon for children to be prescribed all kinds of medications. These do decrease some symptoms of ADHD, but they also create a number of severe side-effects. Parents are now looking for more natural solutions for their children.

Symptoms of ADHD

If you believe that you or a loved one may have ADHD, look for some of the following symptoms:

  • Acting restless, not being able to sit still for extended periods of time.
  • Highly impulsive behaviour is displayed.
  • Participating in highly stimulating activities.
  • Being inattentive to others.
  • Having a hard to starting focused.
  • Issues with organization.

Current ADHD Medications and Their Effects

There have been so many medications to hit the market, that some parents are becoming frustrated with the results. The problem is, researchers cannot agree on the actual cause of the disorder. For many years, it was believed that ADHD was caused by an imbalance of dopamine.

Dopamine is the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure, reward, attention, and motivation. Ritalin for instance, targets the imbalance of dopamine levels. It is a strong medication, leading to potential withdrawal symptoms and addiction.

Now, it’s said that ADHD is not only associated with dopamine, but is inherited structurally within certain areas of the brain. Therefore, the many individuals (both children and adults) who are taking Ritalin, may not be treating their disorder in an effective and safe manner.

Some common side effects of Ritalin include, anxiety, insomnia, headache, dizziness, stomach pain, addiction, slowing of growth in children, seizures, blurred vision, and depression. As you can see, more natural remedies are in high demand. No one wants their child to experience these side-effects.

Natural Remedies for ADHD

indexInstead of simply spiking dopamine levels, natural remedies focus on overall brain function and health. When overall brain tissue and health improve, attention span is more likely to improve as well. There are many nootropics that focus on overall brain health and cognitive function.

Piracetam for example, is the oldest racetam nootropic. It works by enhancing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This increases alertness, brain energy, and mental sharpness. It is also known to encourage new connections to form. Piracetam is currently being prescribed to ADHD patients in Europe, due to the positive effects.

ADHD and Diet

There are a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that you need to obtain through your diet. Nutrition and mental health are not independent of one another. The foods we consume have a direct correlation with brain activity.

Vitamin B Complex

B vitamins have been linked to a reduction in stress and improved neural activity. These vitamins needs to be consumed through our diet, as our body does not produce them. They have been known to improve memory, motivation levels, and concentration.

They also aid in healthy sleeping patterns and add to levels of acetylcholine. Some of the best sources include whole grains, rice, eggs, milk, nuts, fish, leafy greens, soy, meat, and liver.


When you eat protein, it releases energy sustainably. This is beneficial for a child with ADHD, as energy levels can be more stable throughout the day. If energy levels are more even, then children may have an easier time staying focused.

Sugar and Carbs

Glucose is essential for brain energy, however, many children are eating far too many items that are made with refined sugar. This spikes energy levels and then makes a person crash. This is terrible for children with ADHD. In order to keep glucose levels more stable, incorporate more complex carbohydrates (legumes, whole grains, etc.)

Supplements and ADHD

Ritalin has so many side-effects, so it’s ideal to take a more holistic approach. Various nootropics do not yield significant side-effects and do not create addictive behaviours. You can purchase nootropics legally online.

Different nootropics work for a variety of needs. Some will increase attention, while others will create higher levels of motivation. Nootropics target different neurotransmitters than medications like Adderall. Since they’re not stimulants, they do not produce the negative side-effects that are commonly associated with ADHD drugs.

Try some of the following stacks to achieve the results you’re looking for, without worrying about negative effects:

Piracetam and Alpha GPC

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This is a basic stack, which has been shown to be effective. This is a good stack to try if you’re a beginner or a child. Piracetam influences the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which improves a number of cognitive functions. It also helps to increase blood flow to the brain, providing more oxygen, boosting energy levels.

Alpha GPC is an excellent source of choline, which is essential for the synthesis of acetylcholine. This will increase benefits, providing a better outcome than Piracetam taken on its own. Many also like to take fish oil with this stack. Fish oil is simply great for your brain health, providing it with the omega-fatty acids it needs.

Modafinil/Adrafinil, Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, and a Choline Supplement

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This stack is best for more severe cases. Users can take either Modafinil or Adrafinil (Modafinil is harder to obtain because it’s a prescription drug). These act as a stimulant, but not exactly how Adderall works. They are typically used for patients suffering from narcolepsy, as they improve energy and alertness.

Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is essential for the production of various neurotransmitters: dopamine, epinephrine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters regulate mood and enhance mental alertness. The choline supplement aids in the production of acetylcholine.

As with any supplement or drug, consult your doctor with any concerns you have. If you’re taking other medications, please look into possible interactions.

Which Supplements Make You Smarter?

If it were possible, we’d all like to be a bit smarter. How smart you are is determined by a number of factors. There’s of course important implications regarding neuroscience, but there’s also factors that are associated with your actions.

Researchers have been investigating intelligence for years, slowly unlocking bits and pieces. There is still a lot of controversy regarding nature vs nurture in terms of intelligence. Either way, you can sharpen your intelligence through nootropics.

Can Nootropics Actually Make Me Smarter?

Although taking a pill will not instantly make you smarter, it can enhance cognitive functions that occur within your brain each and every day. When various areas of your cognition are enhanced, then you see a substantial improvement in your mental performance.

Whether you’d like to improve your memory, enhance mental focus, or understand concepts easier, there are nootropics that will provide that desired effect.

Types of Intelligence

When trying to improve intelligence, you need to first focus on two types. There’s a distinct difference between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. For a supplement to improve your intelligence, it needs to affect both types.

Fluid intelligence: This is your ability to perform cognitive functions. This is how well you can learn, solve problems, and reason. It’s our ability to think logically. Fluid intelligence is essential when problem solving or reasoning. This would be your ability to look at a mathematical question and grasp it.

Crystallized Intelligence: This is what we know; using our experience, knowledge and skills. This typically improves over the course of your life, as you add to your body of knowledge. Although this is not the same concept as memory, you do need to take information from your long-term memory. If you focus on nootropics that boost memory formation and recall, you could enhance this type of intelligence.

How Can I Improve Intelligence with Nootropics

The nootropics you take can affect both types of intelligence. If you take nootropics on their own, it’s pretty clear that you will not automatically increase knowledge (crystallized intelligence). However, nootropics improve your long-term memory storage.

For example, think about supplementing with protein in order to increase muscle mass. If you take protein each morning, you need to exercise in order to achieve increase the size of your muscles. The protein itself allows you to build muscles easier, as long as you’re working-out to achieve that muscle mass. The same is true for nootropics and crystallized intelligence. You can increase this intelligence if you put in the work. You need to experience new things, read more content, and improve your body of knowledge.

Fluid intelligence is easier to improve on its own. When we are learning new information or performing calculations, this is due to our brain’s synaptic plasticity. Our billions of neurons communicate with one another throughout the brain. Some connections are being formed, while others are eliminated. This is because our brain connections are always changing.

The easier these new connections are formed, the more ‘plastic’ your brain is. This plasticity tends to decline as we age, which is why we see some cognitive decline in the later stages of life. When you take certain nootropics, you can actually increase your plasticity. This is generally achieved through various neurotransmitters.

Two of these crucial neurotransmitters are glutamate and acetylcholine. These neurotransmitters play a direct role in memory, reasoning, and learning. For the most part, higher levels of neurotransmitters, mean more brain activity. In order to increase these neurotransmitters, you have plenty of nootropic options.

brain-vitaminsWhich Nootropics Will Improve Intelligence?

There are many options when focusing on intelligence. When it comes to glutamate and acetylcholine, the racetams class of nootropics is highly beneficial. Your options include; Piracetam, Aniracetam, Pramiracetam, Oxiracetam, and Phenylpiracetam.

Although they are all in the same family, they all work differently and have different potencies. Make sure you are aware of which nootropic does what and which is most effective for you. When racetams stimulate acetylcholine synapses, memory and cognition are enhanced.

Noopept is also closely related to the racetam class and is known to be one of the best brain boosters. Not only does it improve memory and alertness, but it also creates new connections and maintains neuron health.

In order for more acetylcholine to be made, you need a supply of choline. You can obtain choline from your diet, but it’s beneficial to take a choline supplement in a stack with racetams. Not only does this increase benefits, but it counteracts potential headaches created from racetam use. You can take Citicoline, Centrophenoxine, or Alpha GPC for this.

You should also focus on energy levels when enhancing intelligence. Yes, energy is not directly related to fluid intelligence, but it does allow you to perform better. When you take supplements like Adrafinil and Modafinil, you effectively improve clarity and alertness.

Improving Intelligence Through a Balanced Mental State

You can improve intelligence easier when you feel calm and emotionally stable. Unfortunately, we are exposed to a lot of stress throughout the day. We work long hours, go to school, and take care of every other aspect of life. This increased stress can actually decrease your ability to think clearly.

The neurotransmitter GABA, is essential for dealing with stress. GABA actually reduces your perception of stress and stops nerve cells from firing. This allows you to feel more calm and relaxed.

In order to continue feeling relaxed, you need to get enough sleep. GABA is also responsible for healthy sleep. Some GABA supplements include Phenibut and L-Theanine. When you are more relaxed and sleeping well, intelligence can improve through mental clarity and focus.

So, help your brain improve both fluid and crystallized intelligence. There are a wide variety of nootropics that offer benefits to make you smarter. Once you begin experimenting, try creating your own nootropic stack. This will allow you to achieve more effective and faster results.

How Melatonin Benefits Your Brain and Sleep Cycles

Quality sleep is so crucial for our health and overall brain function. Think about a time when you got barely any sleep and then tried to work the next day. You more than likely had difficulties concentrating. Many individuals who suffer from sleep difficulties are now taking melatonin supplements.

What Is Melatonin?

Melatonin is naturally produced within our body. It is a hormone that is secreted by the pineal gland, which helps regulate our sleep patterns. Basically, it helps maintain our internal biological ‘clock.’ Our natural circadian rhythm is what allows us to fall asleep at night.

Melatonin production is influenced by light. When it is dark outside, the body produces more melatonin. This is what makes us feel sleepy, just as light makes us feel more awake. However, it is not only natural light that affects melatonin. Stress, aging, medications, and lights turned on within the night, can all interfere with melatonin production.

History of Melatonin

We have known of the pineal gland for thousands of years. However, it wasn’t until the late 1950’s that melatonin was discovered. In 1958, Aaron Lerner from Yale University isolated melatonin from the pineal gland. In the 1960’s, it was found that melatonin responds to light.

In the 1980’s, melatonin was intensely studied. It was during this time that researchers made the connection between melatonin and sleepiness. After several books and articles were written, it was discovered that melatonin could be found in nuts, carrots, and tomatoes. It then became available as a supplement in the 1990’s.

How Does Melatonin Work?

Melatonin production is controlled by light perception. Therefore, when it is dark outside, the pineal gland produces and releases melatonin. Once the optic nerve detects lights, the pineal gland then inhibits production. This is all done through signalling from the optic nerve, to the brain.

Do you often get up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom? When you get up, do you turn the light on? If so, you may have trouble falling back asleep. This is because the cycle has been interrupted. Once you turn the light out, melatonin production is not automatically turned on. The pineal gland will shut down production, making it hard to fall back asleep.

It is believed that melatonin levels decrease as we age. When an individual has low levels of melatonin, sleep problems may occur. This may explain why older people go to bed and wake up earlier.

When you take a melatonin supplement, it crosses the blood-brain barrier. It easily diffuses into cells, effectively entering the central nervous system. This also makes it easy for melatonin to attach to neurons.

How Does Melatonin Benefit the Brain?

Melatonin plays a role in our brain health. Since melatonin is an antioxidant, it helps to protect your brain against free radicals. This helps decrease the effects of aging and disease. For instance, melatonin has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.

In fact, when individuals suffer from a stroke, they can benefit when given a dose of melatonin. This helps reduce tissue damage, and reduce both cell and neuron death.

In terms of sleep, melatonin increases healthy sleep patterns. This is generally for people that are on an odd schedule, working irregular hours. For these individuals, they can have difficulties falling to sleep naturally. When taking melatonin, they can fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer, increasing the quality and duration.

Melatonin is grouped within cognitive enhancers because it can encourage deeper REM sleep. REM sleep is extremely important for cognitive functioning, especially in terms of your memory. During this time, your brain consolidates memories. For example, declarative memory and long-term retention is highly reliant on sleep.

Basically, during your REM sleep, short-term memories from that day, are redistributed, becoming long-term memories. When you have a good night sleep, you also wake up feeling sharper. You experience a greater sense of clarity, which helps with your mental performance. So although melatonin does not have a direct impact on cognitive functioning, it is still related to memory and learning.

Melatonin Side-Effects

Are there any risks associated with melatonin? It appears as though the effects are fairly mild when targeting jet lag. It is most beneficial when taken for sleep issues (i.e. delayed sleep disorder). When users take melatonin for these issues, what are the side-effects?

The most common side-effect include: sleepiness during the day, dizziness, and headaches. Although uncommon, it’s possible to experience anxiety, confusion, irritability, short-lived depression, and stomach discomfort.

It has been documented that various medications may interact with melatonin. If you’re taking blood-thinning medication, immuno-suppressants, diabetes medication, or birth control pills, please check with your doctor before beginning usage. You should also refrain from driving or using heavy machinery up to five hours after you have taken a melatonin supplement.

Recommended Dosage

The recommended dose of melatonin is approximately 1 to 5 mg per day or night. The dosage depends on what your intended use is. If you suffer from a circadian rhythm sleep disorder for instance, 0.5 mg a day may be more than enough. You wouldn’t generally take 5 mg unless you were trying to combat jet lag or reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep.

It is most beneficial is you take this supplement at night, approximately half hour before you go to bed. It is not recommended that you take melatonin with alcohol or any other sedating supplements. It is also only recommended for short-term use, at no more than two months. Once again, this depends on your situation.

Nootropics and Your Anti-Aging Brain

From the moment we are born, we begin to age. Our brain is no exception, as it is aging every day. Toxins build up in our brain, while environmental decisions can create premature cell death. We can physically identify aging. Our hair gets grey, wrinkles begin to form, and our mobility is reduced.

It’s not as easy to see inside our head. We can not physically see how our brain is aging. Individuals make jokes as they grow older regarding memory loss. Since we can not physically see the signs of aging, we do not take preventative measures. Women try and correct wrinkles with creams, yet one of the most important organs tends to get left out.

Our Aging Brain

Our understanding of the brain has come a long way. We once believed that the aging brain was directly correlated to brain cell death. We now know that this is not the case. Our brains do shrink however, as a few ounces are lost by the time we’re 80.

It has been found that our brains begin to age after puberty ends. Cognitive decline has been documented in healthy educated adults that were in their 20s and 30s. An early change within brain function is seen regarding sleep.

When individuals are around ten, they experience their best sleep. Meaning, the are fully awake during the day, but reach deep sleep at night. As we age, we spend less time in these deep stages of sleep. Poor sleeping patterns are associated with poor cognition.

Memory loss becomes more apparent as neurons do not communicate as effectively. This is either due to the loss of brain cells or a lack of communication within the brain. You do not need to surrender to aging. There are many steps you can take to keep your brain functioning at an optimal level. Just as you care for your cardiovascular health, you need to focus on your brain health as well.

Our memory is also directly related to the plasticity of our brains. This is the ability to change in response to new stimuli, allowing you to learn and response to environmental changes and stress. Connections are strengthened between neurons, as the brain continuously rewires.

Memories are simply new connections made. As we age, the ability to make these connections decreases. This is why it’s harder to learn something when you’re 70, compared to when you’re 16. Plasticity levels decrease as cells become worn out.

We now know that with proper supplementation and diet, you can actually create new neurons and connections later in life. There are various supplements that improve the brain’s neuroplasticity. These include Noopept and the racetams class; Piracetam, Oxiracetam, Pramiracetam, and Aniracetam.

Nootropics and Anti-Aging

When it comes to nootropics and diet, you can actually reduce cognitive decline. In some cases, you can actually reverse the damage that your neurons have sustained. There are a wide number of nootropics that benefit brain health. If you take nootropics wisely, you can improve cognitive health, while reducing your risk of cognitive disorders.

Free Radicals and Cognitive Decline

It is important to be aware of free radicals. These are unstable electrons which are associated with cell damage and various forms of cancer. As we age, these free radicals increase. If these free radicals continue to appear, cognitive decline may result.

The best way you can target free radicals is through antioxidants. Since free radicals are unstable, they begin to steal electrons from healthy cells. Worst case, these cells experience cell death. It is crucial to consume high levels of antioxidants to try and combat these free radicals. You can target this process with various nootropics. L-theanine, which is found in green tea, functions as an antioxidant. You may also consume Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, or Melatonin.

Brain Toxins

Our bodies are constantly trying to eliminate waste and toxins. However, some toxins can accumulate overtime. Lipofuscin is a common waste product and is generally seen through liver or ‘sun spots’ on the skin. It is actually your brain that produces these spots, and may be a sign that you’re experiencing cell death.

When taking the supplement Centrophenoxine, it has been found that lipofuscin can actually be removed and neurons are restored. Some individuals take this supplement to combat age spots, yet they’re benefiting their brain at the same time.

Grey Matter Loss

As we age, our grey matter declines. This is a very important part of our central nervous system and is involved in memory, sight, speech, emotions, reasoning, and muscle control. When grey matter decreases, it changes the chemicals within our brain. Processes begin to slow down, which leads into the next factor; chemical changes.

Chemical Changes

Our neurotransmitters are also affected as we age. These brain chemicals allow neurons to communicate, which helps with all aspects of cognitive function, mood, appetite, sleep, and much more.

Dopamine is known to decrease as we age. This neurotransmitter is responsible for both mood and movement. It also plays a role in memory, problem solving, planning, multi-tasking, and attention. Two other neurotransmitters that decline are serotonin and glutamate.

Serotonin is responsible for sleep, mood, memory, and learning. While glutamate is responsible for preventing neurological disorders. Acetylcholine also declines, which is essential for various aspects of cognitive functioning. It is believed that low levels of acetylcholine may actually play a role in Alzheimer’s.

To combat this, choline supplements are highly beneficial. Without choline, your brain cannot produce acetylcholine. Some of your options include; Citicoline, Centrophenoxine, and Alpha GPC. These supplements help increase dopamine levels as well. You can create highly effective stacks, focusing on cognitive abilities and brain health. Alpha Brain for instance, provides the nutrients and vitamins your brain needs to stay healthy.

How Does Modafinil Compare to Its Alternatives?

Background of Modafinil

Modafinil is an oral drug, used to treat patients who suffer from excessive sleepiness. By stimulating the brain, Modafinil promotes wakefulness. This is generally prescribed to individuals suffering from narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea.

It is commonly used in a stack, as it helps to improve the performance of individuals that are experiencing negative effects associated with fatigue. Although the method of action is not fully understood, it’s believed that the amount of dopamine is increased. It is also believed to increase serotonin, histamine, and glutamate release.

What Are the Benefits of Modafinil?

There are multiple benefits associated with Modafinil use including:

  • Helps individuals stay awake and alert if they’re sleep deprived. When you experience sleep deprivation, your memory worsens and you lack mental clarity. When Modafinil is taken, cognitive function improves despite a lack of sleep.
  • It has shown improved symptoms in children with ADHD/ADD
  • It helps to improve focus, short-term memory, and concentration. This makes users more productive.

Why Would You Want an Alternative to Modafinil?

Although Modafinil is highly effective and beneficial, you need a prescription to use it. Unless you have a need for it, you probably will not get a prescription. This has left many users looking for alternatives that they can buy over-the-counter or online.

It is not only accessibility that is an issue, as the cost for Modafinil is fairly high. To buy thirty 100 mg tablets, you could pay anywhere from $800 to $1500. Not many people can absorb this cost, which is why they’re looking for alternatives.

Alternatives to Modafinil

If you like what Modafinil offers, but cannot afford or gain access to it, look into some of the following alternatives. If you’re looking strictly for the effects of Modafinil, then Adrafinil is your best option. If you’re also looking for other benefits, such as improved mood or memory, then you may want to explore some other options:


Adrafinil is the one of the top choices if you’re seeking Modafinil. Once you ingest Adrafinil, it is converted into Modafinil within the liver. This is as close as you’ll get without actually taking Modafinil.

You can buy this supplement in the United States without the need for a prescription. It is much more cost effective, as a single dose can cost as little as fifty cents when bought in bulk. Although the effects are identical, Adrafinil takes an hour longer to take effect.

This supplement is fairly similar to Modafinil in terms of its benefits, yet some say it is slightly weaker. Use take Adrafinil when they need to be more alert. You can legally buy this alternative in the United States, Canada, and most of Europe without needed a prescription.


This supplement is derived from Piracetam, but is much more potent. It helps to increase both focus and energy levels. Due to increased levels of dopamine, users experience improved motivation. Due to the influence on acetylcholine receptors, Phenylpiracetam also improves working memory.


This is a great supplement to use as an alternative, as it also works to enhance mood. This supplement is an engineered form of thiamine (vitamin B1). Thiamine is essential for energy metabolism in the brain.

When users take Sulbutiamine, they boost mental energy levels. It produces a stimulant-like effect, without the associated side-effects. It is linked to positive brain health, as it protects nerves. Sulbutiamine also targets memory. When taken, it has been shown to reduce the symptoms associated with cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s.

Natural Alternatives to Modafinil

If you’re looking for a more natural approach, there are other alternatives that you may like to try. Like always, you should consult your doctor about any alternative discussed.


There are no cures regarding sleep disorders, however you can help control them. Caffeine does not eliminate narcolepsy for instance, but it has been incorporated into treatment. When you consume caffeine, it helps to combat fatigue.

You should not take excessive amounts of caffeine, as this can cause anxiety and insomnia. When caffeine is taken in a stack with L-theanine, these side-effects are dramatically reduced. Users feel more mentally alert and aware, while reducing feelings of anxiety.

Gotu Kola

This is used by Asian herbalists, as it’s a herbal stimulant. It combats feelings of mental fuzziness, which is often experienced by those that are sleep deprived. It helps increase levels of choline, influencing heightened brain function.

Country Mallow

This subshurb is native to India and has helped many regarding a number of ailments. It has been highly effective for those that have endured a stroke, but it is also a psychostimulant. Country mallow contains ephedrine, which is the stimulating compound. In order to target drowsiness, you can brew a country mallow tea. For each cup of boiling water, add 5 tsp of this herb.

How to Improve Your Brain Health & Function Through Vitamins

Our brain does so much for us, yet sometimes we do not give it a second thought. It makes up a small percentage of our overall body weight, yet it uses a large amount of energy. In order to function at an optimal level, it needs a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.

Our cognitive function is directly related to the vitamins in which our brain has access to. They play such a vital role, so it’s crucial that you are getting all the vitamins you need.

Which Vitamins Does Your Brain Need?

It’s no secret that a nutrient-rich diet will improve brain function. There is a direct correlation with the foods and supplements we consume, and our cognitive ability.

B-Complex Vitamins

These are perhaps one of the most essential group of vitamins regarding your diet and supplementation. Since these vitamins are not stored in the body, they need to be supplied on a daily basis. You can get all the essential B-vitamins through the foods you eat and the supplements you take. This group of vitamins consist of

  • B1, also known as thiamine
  • B2, also known as riboflavin
  • B3, also known as niacin
  • B5, also known as pantothenic acid
  • B6, also known as pyridoxine
  • B7, also known as biotin
  • B9, also known as folate
  • B12, also known as cobalamin

This group of vitamins is crucial when forming cells within our body, especially in terms of our heart, liver, and nerve cells. These B-vitamins are in many foods, yet a large portion of the population in deficient. This is commonly seen in people on weight-loss diets, those who are under large amounts of stress, and those that eat a diet high in refined sugars, caffeine, and processed foods.

These vitamins are not only great for cognitive functioning, but also for treating anxiety and depression. The most important are B1, B3, B6, and B12. The following displays the benefits of each vitamin:

  • B1 or thiamine: Taking 500 to 3000 mg daily, has been shown to reduce irritability and mental confusion in healthy people. Within Alzheimer’s research, thiamine has been shown to improve memory loss. It is sited in depression, anxiety, and insomnia research, and is also known to boost brain energy.
  • B3 or niacin: Taking 500 to 3000 mg daily, can help improve the effects of depression, anxiety, and insomnia. A B3 deficiency is also linked to mental confusion, headaches, issues with attention, irritability, and dementia.
  • B6 or pyridoxine: Taking 100 to 1000 mg daily, is effective for a variety of disorders (anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism, and dementia.
  • B12 or cobalamin: Taking 1000 to 3000 mg daily, is known to aid in a variety of neurological problems. The highest benefits are seen with chronic fatigue, depression, memory less, and neuropathy.

Vitamin C

Taking vitamin C, is essential for brain health. It is known as one of the best antioxidants to eliminate free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules, which cause damage to brain cells. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are two diseases that are linked to an excessive presence of free radicals.

Vitamin C helps to combat these free radicals, and removes toxins from the brain. This allows our brain to stay healthy as we age. We need to protect our aging mind through the choices we make. Vitamin supplements are such an easy and beneficial addition to your daily intake.


Choline is generally grouped with the B-complex vitamins. Choline supplements are very common regarding nootropics, as they work well in a stack. It is found in a number of foods, such as chicken, eggs, beef, and peanuts. Many individuals are now taking choline supplements, especially when they’re taking nootropics.

Choline is essential for the production of acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter plays a large role in cognition, sleep, and memory. Many nootropics work by increasing levels of acetylcholine. This is especially seen with the racetams group, which includes nootropics like Piracetam and Aniracetam.

Which Choline Vitamin Should You Choose?

Since choline is such a vital component of cognitive functioning, let’s examine which options are available. Which are best and how do they differ?

Choline Bitartrate

This will be your cheapest options, yet it’s still highly effective. This supplement is choline combined with a chemical salt, which aids in absorption. Once ingested, it enters the blood stream where it makes its way to the blood-brain barrier. However, not all the choline bitartrate makes it to your brain. This makes it less effective than choline supplements like Alpha GPC and Centrophenoxine.

Soy Lecithin

Vegetarians are often deficient in choline due to the lack of meat consumption. This supplement is popular amongst the vegetarian population because it is a great source of choline. This supplement comes from soybeans, as it is a source of phosphatidylcholine.

Before choline is turned into acetylcholine, it needs to be turned into phosphatidylcholine. In comparison to other supplements, soy lecithin is not absorbed as effectively. If you take a larger dose, you will likely urinate most of it out.


This is a more potent option, which provides nootropic benefits on its own. It supplies the brain with choline, which aids in acetylcholine production. It has great absorption and reaches the brain quickly. Once it crosses the blood-brain barrier, it boosts levels of acetylcholine. This improves memory and thought processing.

Not only does Citicoline improve acetylcholine production, it also has an affect on dopamine receptors. Dopamine is responsible for mood, as well as focus. It is also known to boost memory and increase brain energy.

Alpha GPC

This is one of the most popular choline supplements because it so effective. Alpha GPC is approximately the same potency as Citicoline, making it a personal preference for users. Once it crosses the blood-brain barrier, it is directly broken down into acetylcholine.

This supplement has improved both memory and cognition in people with Alzheimer’s, as well as healthy individuals. You will pay a little more for this supplement, but it is one of the most effective when used in a stack with nootropics such as Piracetam.

Brain Food – Increase Brain Function Through Foods

We have all heard the saying ‘you are what you eat.’ There is a direct link between the foods we consume and the way we feel and mentally perform. We all know that eating fatty junk food can result in heart disease, liver conditions, and even diabetes.

Our brain is an organ, and it is no exception. When you look at cognitive-decline due to aging, only a third is due to genetics. Two-thirds of our brain development comes down to the choices we make in terms of our lifestyle. Feeding your brain is essential. What foods do you choose? Which foods have nootropics effects?

How Can Food Produce Nootropics Effects?

Many take nootropics due to their cognitive effects. There is not doubt that a number of supplements are highly beneficial. Racetams for instance have been used since the 1960’s, targeting deficiencies in memory. Depending on the nootropic you take, you can increase your learning abilities, memory, motivation, focus, and attention. Nootropics also yield benefits in terms of your overall brain health.

Nootropics work with your brain chemistry to increase the production or re-uptake of neurotransmitters. This helps to increase cognitive function, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Brain energy is also involved when taking nootropics. Just as nootropics work with your brain, food does as well.

Acetylcholine for instance, is related to a number of nootropics. This neurotransmitter relies on choline in order to be synthesized. This is why many nootropics are taken in a stack with supplements such as Alpha-GPC. Choline is provided in a number of foods we eat, which will be discussed below. Therefore, eating a balanced diet WHILE taking nootropic supplements, will provide an even greater effect.

There are a number of nutrients involved regarding food and cognitive function. Some of these include antioxidants, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, complex carbs, and B-Vitamins to name a few. Below you will find foods that boost your brain power.

Which Foods Increase Cognitive Abilities?

Eating a balanced diet is so important regarding brain health. We are a society that is eating far too many processed and fast foods. These foods provide very little benefits and actually harm our brain and overall health.

By choosing the right foods, you can actually boost your focus, concentration, memory, and slow down cognitive decline. The following foods should be a part of everyone’s daily life:


Nuts are packed with many nutrients, boosting mood and cognitive function. To be more specific, walnuts not only boost cognitive performance but reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. Walnuts are high in antioxidants, which help to reduce the effects of free radicals in the brain. They are also associated with improved cognition and memory. This was reported in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, as walnuts improved memory scores.

Coffee and Dark Chocolate

Caffeine is well-known for producing nootropic effects. Having a cup of coffee in the morning stimulates the brain, leading to increased focus and attention. In order to get the most out of your caffeine, stack with L-Theanine. This stack counteracts any anxious feelings you may experience due to caffeine. It allows you to focus, while feeling calmer.

Pure dark chocolate is also highly beneficial. It not only contains caffeine, but it has antioxidants that protect your brain. The darker the chocolate, the more flavonoids are present. These compounds are known to improve the formation of long-term memories. They are also strong antioxidants, which promotes brain health.


Berries are packed with antioxidants. Blueberries delay neurological decline and improve cognitive function. Once again, berries contain flavonoids which may improve memory, learning abilities, decision-making, and reasoning.

They have also been shown to protect against cognitive decline, protecting individuals from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Berries also improve the way neurons communicate, which improves overall cognition, while preventing neuronal damage.


Fish is known as ‘brain food.’ That is due to the high level of omega-3 fatty acids. If you consume fish weekly, you can potentially slow down mental decline and reduce your risks of dementia. The human body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids on its own. This is why it’s essential to include these fatty acids in your diet.

DHA is one acid that is related to improved memory. If you’re not fond of fish, you can supplement with pills. Those who eat a lot of fish are said to have higher levels of grey matter in the areas responsible for memory. In a study, it was found that those who eat fish once a week, had a hippocampus that was 14% larger than those who don’t eat fish. The hippocampus is the area of the brain that is related to memory and learning.


Dark leafy greens are so beneficial for your brain and overall health. You should try to eat greens as often as you can. Once again, spinach is packed with antioxidants that block free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for damaged cells, cancer, and mental decline (Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s).

When studied in rats, those that ate spinach did better on both memory and learning tests. Spinach is also high in Vitamin E, which increases brain tissue and helps release dopamine.

Choline and Glutamate

Choline is an essential nutrient, that is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is related to memory and motor control. Choline supplements are often taken with racetams such as Piracetam and Aniracetam. This helps to counteract headaches associated with low levels of acetylcholine.

Foods that are high in choline include:

  • Liver
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Cabbage

Glutamate is another neurotransmitter that is involved in cognitive function. It is known to be involved in memory and learning abilities. Basically, glutamate gets your brain cells fired up. Glutamate is also responsible for producing GABA, which is what reduces feelings of anxiety. You can obtain glutamate from; cheese, soy sauce, walnuts, peas, mushrooms, broccoli, and more.

Using Creatine Supplements as a Nootropic

What is Creatine?

Creatine is an amino acid that’s produced in the liver. It supplies our bodies with the energy it needs, particularly within muscle cells. Due to it’s effects on muscle mass, creatine supplements are commonly taken by bodybuilders and athletes. However, many individuals are now taking creatine supplements to boost brain function.

It is naturally found in the body, so it is not considered an essential nutrient. However, in terms of cognitive enhancement, many people are finding that creatine supplements are highly effective. This nootropic increases brain health and improves mental energy.

How Does Creatine Work Within the Brain?

When creatine is taken through supplements or from food sources, it is absorbed into the bloodstream. When produced by the liver and kidneys, three amino acids are involved; glycine, L-arginine, and L-methionine. Once produced, it is transported through an active transport system.

Creatine crosses the blood-brain barrier, which is designed to keep toxins out. Once inside the brain, creatine binds to phosphate. Creatine phosphate then increases energy consumption within the brain. This is what helps increase cognition function.

This occurs just like increased glucose and oxygen, providing an increased energy supply. Basically, creatine helps brain cells ‘reset’ after they have fired. This improves both their speed and efficiency, helping mental performance.

Creatine in a Stack

Due to the ATP consumption rate for many nootropics, creatine is highly beneficial within a stack. Racetams for instance can cause brain fog, which is generally associated with a poor diet and supplement consumption. Your ATP intake should keep up with your ATP consumption.

Since creatine increases ATP it is generally favoured within a stack. Not only does it block negative effects, it create nootropic effects itself. Creatine can basically fit into any stack, as it has some unique properties that other nootropics do not cover.

Benefits of Creatine

There are many benefits to creatine, as it’s naturally found in the human body. The primary benefit is an increase in energy for muscles. This boosts physical performance as ATP is sent directly to working muscles.

In terms of cognition, users experience a variety of benefits. This is especially true for vegetarians and vegans, as they tend to have lower body stores. Creatine is primarily found in meat, so the impact on these individuals tends to be greater.

  • Creatine is great for one’s memory, especially short-term memory. Studies have shown that participants memory span increased when given creatine, in comparison to a placebo group. This provided information regarding working memory, as researchers learned that creatine helps with ATP re-synthesis. When this occurs, there’s an increase in short-term memory ability.
  • When our brain’s are tired, it leads to poor decision-making. When you consume creatine, oxygen is enhanced. This helps reduce brain fatigue. Just as fatigue is reduced in muscles, energy synthesis within the brain reduces mental fatigue.
  • Creatine has been shown to improve mood. Individuals suffering from depression took creatine, which reduced their symptoms associated with their mood.
  • Elderly people have been shown to benefit from creatine, regarding spatial recall. It also improved age-related decline through supplementation. It was shown to improve GABA neurons, preventing conditions such as Alzheimer’s. Creatine supplementation in elderly helps to improve spatial recall, as well as long-term memory.
  • Creatine is considered a neuroprotectant as well. Since ATP is increased, less damage occurs due to toxins. It not only protects against toxicity, but enhances metabolic processes. This means that cognitive function is working at optimal levels.

Possible Side-Effects

Creatine is considered to be safe, but should not be consumed by anyone under the age of 18. Adolescents who do take creatine supplements, tend to do so without their doctor’s advice. This can lead to over consumption. The following are possible concerns:

  • It is a concern that the kidney and liver may be negatively affected when too much creatine is consumed. Since the liver and kidneys process this compound, users need to be aware of overworking them. When users take an additional 5 grams for instance, that is the approximate equivalent of 2.5 pounds of meat. Although no studies have found this relationship, anyone that suffers from kidney or liver issues should speak with their doctor.
  • Pure creatine appears to be safe, but over 50% of commercial supplements contain at least one contaminant. These contaminants include heavy metals. Before you purchase your supplement, make sure you look that it is contaminant-free.
  • When taken in excess, other side-effects include; potential weight gain, anxiety, fever, headaches, nausea, and rashes.

Recommended Dosage

Doses vary, as the recommended dose is based on personal preference. Users have taken anywhere from 200 mg to 25 grams daily. In terms of nootropics, the most common dosage is between 3 and 5 grams daily.

This is generally taken in powder form in the morning and afternoon. You can either take your dose once, or split into multiple doses throughout the day.

Can Nootropics Be Used for Anxiety?

Anxiety can have crippling effects on those who suffer from this condition. There are a variety of anxiety disorders, all yielding uncomfortable effects. There are varying degrees and forms, each with their own symptoms.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is generally being in an unpleasant state, accompanied by somatic effects and nervous behavior. Anxiety is often confused with fear, which is incorrect. Fear relates to immediate threat, whereas anxiety if related to perceived future threats.

Anxiety is generally associated with feelings of restlessness, lack of concentration, fatigue, and tension. Although some anxiety is normal, too much or prolonged anxiety may result in an anxiety disorder. These disorders range from social anxiety, phobias, and panic disorders.

Do You Suffer From Anxiety? What are the Symptoms?

As mentioned, everyone has feelings of anxiety and nervousness. We have all felt anxious before a speech or when we’re going through financial difficulties. How do you know when anxiety is becoming an issue? The following are some common symptoms that you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder:

  • Excessive Worry: Do you worry about the smallest of things? Are you feeling anxious most days of the week, allowing it to interfere with your daily life?
  • Issues Sleeping: Is your overactive mind not allowing you to sleep? If you’re laying awake because you feel nervous or anxious, this may be a clear sign of an anxiety disorder.
  • Having Irrational Fears: Sometimes anxiety is not generalized. It can be associated with specific things such as insects, crowds, or flying. This fear creates overwhelming feelings that are disruptive to your life.
  • Tense Muscles: Do you clench your jaw often? Are your muscles sore from flexing? This muscle tension is often associated with anxiety disorders.
  • Panic Attacks: Do you often have panic attacks? This is an overwhelming feeling of fear, followed by physical symptoms. You may have issues breathing, experience chest and stomach pain, and have an increased heart rate.

Anxiety, the Brain and Nootropics

Anxiety is caused by a number of factors, associated with various parts of the brain. One of the core factors is associated with a deficiency in GABA. Gamma aninobutryic acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter that is produced by glutamate.

It inhibits the central nervous system, suppressing feelings of anxiety. When you do not have high enough GABA levels, your nerves begin to become overactive. This causes signals to fire more often than they’re supposed to.

When GABA levels are increased or at normal levels, you are less likely to experience anxious feelings. An example of a GABA stimulant is alcohol. It is known to reduce anxiety, but is associated with a number of negative side-effects. Therefore, it is not considered a nootropic.

Although increased GABA is beneficial, GABA supplements are not very effective at reducing anxiety. This is because GABA can not cross the blood-brain barrier. GABA needs to physically reach the brain in order to inhibit signals associated with anxiety. In order to be effective, supplements need to cross the blood-brain barrier and be a precursor to GABA.

Which Nootropics are Best for Anxiety?

Nootropics are generally used to enhance cognitive abilities. However, many nootropics are now also being used for their anti-anxiety effects. As mentioned, supplements need to cross the blood-brain barrier. The following nootropics are not only anti-anxiety supplements, but cognitive enhancers as well.


Aniracetam is the best racetam supplement to treat anxiety. It stimulates receptors associated with glutamate. Glutamate is necessary for GABA production, therefore Aniracetam has an indirect effect on GABA levels. It is used for individuals that struggle in social settings, helping them fight their shyness. In terms of cognition, it also improves focus, energy levels, motivation, and communication.

Basically, users have reported feeling calmer and more relaxed. Stressful situations become easier to deal with and less emotionally draining. Anyone who also experiences feelings of depression will benefit from the serotonin and dopamine boosting abilities. Many students also take Aniracetam before studying or writing an exam, as it helps lower feelings of anxiety.

A typical dosage is generally between 1 and 2 grams, three times daily. If you have never used Aniracetam before, start with smaller doses. You can increase your dosage over the course of a week. You may also want to stack this nootropic with a choline supplement for even better results.


It is said that Phenibut is the best nootropic in treating anxiety. However, this is not a nootropic that should be used daily. Basically, Phenibut is a derivative of GABA. It is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, making it much more effective. This is due to the addition of a Phenyl ring. Once it reaches the brain, it can then bind to receptor sites.

It creates a mild sedative effect, allowing users to relax. This why many users take Phenibut as a sleep aid, especially when they’re experiencing feelings of high anxiety. It is also known to increase levels of dopamine, which is responsible for mood and motivation. This is highly beneficial as these are two areas that are typically lacking in those that suffer from anxiety and depression.

However, be aware that there are some potential side-effects associated with its use. Very vivid dreams have been experienced, drowsiness, and pain within limbs. Careful with the amount of Phenibut you take, as effects can last up to 24 hours. For anxiety purposes, take approximately 500 mg. Speak to your doctor if you have any concerns.


Just like racetams, Noopept increases glutamate uptake. This supplement tends to be hit or miss, as some say it works incredibly well and other do not notice any mood enhancing effects. This supplement is fairly potent, so only small doses are recommended. It is 1000 times stronger than Piracetam, so you it should be taken with caution.

It also increases levels of dopamine and serotonin within the brain. Serotonin creates feelings of happiness. Unlike GABA, serotonin also has nootropic effects. It plays a role in memory and mood. Due to its positive effects on mood, it is also great for individuals suffering from depression.

L- Theanine

This compound is found in both black and green tea and is often used to relieve feelings of anxiety. L- Theanine boosts GABA levels within the brain, and boosts dopamine as well. Not only do users feel more calm, they tend to experience a feeling of well-being. Once again, GABA can not cross the blood-brain barrier on its own. However, L-Theanine can, which then stimulates GABA production.