How Can Nootropics Aid with Alzheimer’s Disease

As we age, our brain becomes less efficient. Connections become damaged or weakened, making communication throughout the brain less effective. Alzheimer’s is not fully understood, however cognitive decline is believed to be associated with oxidative stress.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Rising Concerns

Alzheimer’s affects millions worldwide. In fact, it is estimated that one out of every eight older Americans, are currently living with Alzheimer’s. Within North America, it is also the sixth most common cause of death. These numbers are on the rise, creating great concern for the growing population.

Alzheimer’s not only affects the individual suffering from the disease, but everyone around them. Loved ones watch as someone affected becomes increasingly worse. Each case is unique, displaying varied symptoms. However, each case tends to experience a downward spiral, as symptoms increase.

There has been vast amounts of research conducted on Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment options. Although there is no cure, various strategies are being implemented to decrease progression. Nootropics have been studied for this purpose, yielding some beneficial results.

aging-brain-11The Aging Brain

The brain is so complex, as we are learning new information each day. In terms of cognitive decline and neurological diseases, it’s believed that oxidative stress plays a large role. Certain toxins are also believed to play a role. What exactly is an aging brain?

Oxidative stress has been linked to an aging brain. This is due to free radicals, which have cumulative effects. When there’s an excessive amount of free radicals present, they tend to bind to cells and cause damage.

Alzheimer’s and Nootropic Treatment

Due to the positive effects created by various nootropics, they’ve been extensively studied regarding Alzheimer’s and other cognitive diseases. It is believed that Alzheimer’s patients have experienced damage to their cholinergic system.

Since many nootropics target the cholinergic system (the racetams family for instance), they work by increasing the amount and efficiency of acetylcholine. It is believed that acetylcholine receptors and the function of acetylcholine itself, are directly correlated with mental decline.

There are a number of nootropics that create encouraging results. Racetams for instance, provide antioxidants effects, reducing free radicals. Other supplements are also effective at reducing overall oxidative stress.

Nootropics that May Aid in Alzheimer’s Treatment


The benefits of Piracetam have varied from case-to-case, however there are plenty of studies that show a correlation does exist. Piracetam has been used in several countries over the years, treating individuals who have dementia or other impairments.

It was first found that Piracetam increases the fluidity of mitochondrial membranes in the brain. It is believed that this may enhance the process of ATP synthesis. Due to these effects, receptor density and transmitter release are positively affected. These mechanisms are generally hindered as we age, due to a loss of membrane fluidity.

Huperzine A

This nootropic has long been studied regarding Alzheimer’s research. One study looked at 103 Alzheimer’s patients. It was found that when these participants were treated with Huperzine A, 60% showed improvements in thinking and memory.

Another study focused on 202 patients, which were then divided into two groups. The first group received Huperzine A each day for twelve weeks, while the other group received a placebo. Those who were taking Huperzine A, saw improvements in mood, behaviour, and cognition.


Noopept has been evaluated as a potential treatment aid for Alzheimer’s disease. It was shown to reduce symptoms, possibly even repair some areas. However, it is not a cure at this time, as it only hinders certain symptoms.

antioxidantsAntioxidants and Alzheimer’s Disease

We do not fully understand the cause of Alzheimer’s, as several factors play a role. However, it is believed that free radicals influence brain degeneration. Since free radicals are a main area of concern, antioxidant treatments have been widely explored.

In one study, 74 patients with dementia and 158 healthy control participants were studied. All of the participants were between the age of 65 and 90. The blood-serum of certain antioxidants were looked at, including – vitamin C and E, beta-carotene, lycopene, and coenzyme Q10.

It was found that those with dementia, had significantly lower concentration of vitamin C and beta-carotene in their blood (in comparison to the control group). This study needs to be recreated with a larger pool of participants, however, Alzheimer’s patients should be eating large quantities of fruits and vegetables (kale, strawberries, kiwi, pepper, oranges, etc.)


Fisetin is a flavanoid that is found in strawberries. It is presently being examined as a supplement for boosting memory in Alzheimer’s patients. Although this would be exciting enough, fisetin also produces antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neurotrophic, and anti-carcinogenic properties.

Fisetin promotes cell differentiation, while protecting one’s nerve cells from oxidative stress. Since oxidative death is one of the main factors in Alzheimer’s and other cognitive decline issues, fisetin has shown serious benefits.


L-theanine is found in green tea, effectively crossing the blood-brain barrier. It not only helps boost dopamine, but has neuroprotective properties. When studied in rats, L-theanine was shown to increase neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Neurotrophic factors are proteins in which grow and develops new neurons, while maintaining mature neurons.


This neural antioxidant has been shown to improve blood blow and circulation, enhancing the metabolism of one’s brain. This is only seen in the brain, therefore blood pressure is unaffected. Vinpocetine has the ability to target brain cells that are damaged, which are displaying poor blood flow.

When blood flow is increased, it improves the amount of glucose and oxygen in the brain. This provides the brain with nutrients, while detoxifying old ones. It’s beneficial in terms of improved cognition and short-term memory. It is known to enhance concentration levels and improve memory, while displaying neuroprotective properties.

Losing Weight with the Help of Choline

Losing weight can seem like a never ending battle. Many people struggle to reach their goal weight, as weight loss is a complicated process. Individuals are always looking for the next trendy diet in order to lose weight. However, there are many options that do not yield negative, or even painful side effects.

Although choline is essential for your health (both body and mind), many people are not aware of it. Within the nootropics community, many are familiar with stacking choline supplements, as they provide many benefits regarding brain health. Well, what about weight loss? Can choline make you lose some of that excess weight?

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Health Benefits of Choline

It wasn’t until the 1970s that researchers discovered the connection between choline and acetylcholine. Since choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, it helps enhance memory, learning, and attention.

Due to its effect on the brain, choline has been shown to help with symptoms relating to Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other age-related memory conditions. Aside from cognitive diseases and conditions, choline is also helpful for Huntington’s, asthma, allergies, Tourette’s, and schizophrenia.

Many athletes also take choline to give them an edge over their competitors. Taking choline, helps delay fatigue. Athletes that benefit the most are weight lifters and body builders. Endurance athletes also benefit greatly.

Choline as a Weight Loss Solution

Choline works by promoting lipolysis, meaning you can burn more fat than you would at your normal metabolic rate. Choline helps to transport dietary fats to various cells, allowing them to be burned as an energy source. This is beneficial for the prevention of future weight gain.

Although we consume choline in our diet, our bodies are capable of producing it (only in small amounts). There are a wide variety of foods that are high in choline, however many are supplementing to meet their daily needs. Foods highest in choline are; shrimp, beef liver, cauliflower, turkey, cod, and collard greens.

Since choline is important for liver function, low choline levels can lead to fatty liver disease. A healthy liver is of course crucial for maintaining good health, including a healthy weight. Recent studies have found that consuming additional sources of choline, promotes weight loss, reducing total body fat percentage.

Effects of Choline on Weight Loss

Our bodies typically burn glucose first over other energy sources. However, choline is an important supplement for weight loss, because of its lipotropic effect. This means that choline uses fat for energy, in comparison to glucose.

Choline is also highly beneficial for the liver. It helps break down fat that is ‘trapped.’ Having this nutrient ensures that fatty acids are available to convert fat into energy. Although it is not the most conventional weight loss solution, it is a great complement within a stack. Stack choline with natural diet pills, enhancing weight loss potential.

After your take a choline supplement, it’s beneficial to exercise, using your muscles. Once this fat is freed up, it can be used as energy. Working out will allow you to burn this fat at an even faster rate. Getting into this habit can promote a healthier lifestyle as well.

Which Stacks Work Best for Weight Loss?

Individuals that actively take choline to lose weight, typically take it in a stack. For example, choline is often taken with carnitine or caffeine, making a more potent weight loss stack. When you take choline and carnitine together, you increase the rate of which you’re metabolizing lipids.

The carnitine component, ensures that your muscles get enough energy and inhibit the storage of carbohydrates as fat. Caffeine is known to boost one’s metabolism, effectively burning more fat. If you’re looking for fast results, consider a potent source of choline. Alpha GPC is your best option, as it’s most potent.

Alpha GPC has a high bioavailability, and has been shown to increase human growth hormones (especially when taken while exercising). This hormone is key regarding lean muscle mass, and the ability to burn extra calories. These effects are not as powerful when taking choline citrate or choline bitartrate.

Recommended Dosage

If you’re specifically taking choline to lose weight, then you should be taking approximately 300 to 500 mg daily. It is best to take your dose in the morning, as choline taken late in the day may affect sleeping patterns. You can also take it prior to working out.

If you’re unsure, start with a smaller dose, seeing how your body reacts. This is a natural supplement, however you should always be cautious when trying any new supplement. There have been some minor side effects reported, so be aware of this.

Some users have reported headaches, sweating, loss of appetite, and raised temperatures. If you’re using a lower quality choline supplement (such as choline bitartrate), you may experience some stomach discomfort. However, it’s recommended that you take high-potency options such as Alpha GPC or Citicoline to avoid this.

Are You Getting Enough Choline in Your Diet?

There are a million diets out there. Some of the most common are gluten-free diets, low carb diets, vegan diets, and many more. A choline-rich diet is not as common as other diets, however it is highly critical for your mental health and cognitive performance.

Since nootropics focus on enhancing cognitive function, having enough organic compounds like choline, helps maintain, repair, and improve brain health and functioning. Choline is found in many foods, as it is critical for mental performance.

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What is Choline?

Choline is a water soluble nutrient, which is related to the B complex vitamins. Although our bodies can naturally make small amounts of choline, we rely on our diet and supplementation. It plays a vital role in many internal systems, especially within the brain.

Choline increases cholinergic activity, due to its role in acetylcholine synthesis. When levels of acetylcholine are low, individuals generally experience inattention, decreased mental energy, and difficulty recalling memories.

The main benefits associated with choline supplementation include:

  • Prevention of headaches (especially when taken in a stack with a racetam)
  • Better memory recall
  • Improved learning ability
  • Higher levels of mental energy
  • Improved mood
  • Counteracts insomnia, allowing individuals to improve REM sleep
  • Increase focus and concentration
  • Reduces symptoms of ADD and ADHD

How Our Bodies Utilize Choline

The most important role of choline is aiding in the production of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that relates to verbal reasoning, mental clarity, memory, response to stimuli, and the ability to recall.

Although acetylcholine is commonly related to cognition, it is also involved in many other vital functions. Your organs, such as the heart and intestine, rely on acetylcholine. The same is true for your muscles. Any muscle you move requires a signal of acetylcholine in order to contract.

The Dangers of Being Choline Deficient

Although we have access to so much fresh food, many people are still deficient in choline. There have been estimates as high as 90%, regarding the percentage of the population that’s deficient. Over the years, our diets have changed. Modern diets highly differ from ancient consumption.

Choline helps maintain healthy brain cells. When you do not consume enough choline, your brain suffers in terms of plasticity. This means, you’re less able to form new connections. When new connections are not able to form, memory, mental clarity, and reasoning all suffer. Choline deficiency may also be linked to more severe conditions, such as Alzheimer’s.

Although more research needs to be conducted, we know that Alzheimer’s is related to an aging brain. As the brain ages, less synaptic connections are formed, due to hardened tissue. Meaning, choline may help counteract the untreatable symptoms that are associated with Alzheimer’s.

How Can I Get More Choline?

There are two ways in which you can consume choline. The first is the foods you eat. Various foods are high sources, which should be incorporated into a balanced diet. The other option is through supplements. These are becoming more and more popular amongst the nootropics community.

Food Sources

Before you can increase your consumption, you need to know which food items are rich in choline. The good news is, choline-rich items can be found in any local grocery store. Some of the highest options are; beef liver, shrimp, eggs, salmon, peanut butter, turkey, collard greens, milk, and wheat germ.

Sure, all of these items are fairly common, so what’s the issue? Well, majority of people are not consuming enough. The recommended daily dose for men is 550 mg, while women should consume 450 mg daily. To put this into perspective, 3 ounces of liver will provide 350 mg of choline.

Ancient diets were more likely to support this recommended amount of choline. You would need to eat 1 to 2 servings of beef liver everyday in order to reach the recommended dose. No one wants to eat that much liver, so try and incorporate as many different sources into your diet. Vegetarians tend to struggle, as many high choline sources are meat-based.

If you’re vegetarian, focus on the following items:

  • One quart of milk = 175 mg
  • A pound of spinach = 113 mg
  • A cup of wheat germ = 200 mg
  • Two cups of form tofu = 142 mg
  • A pound of cauliflower = 177 mg


If you find that it’s too challenging to get enough choline in your diet, then there are a number of great supplements available. When you’re researching choline supplements, make sure you focus on the bio-availability. There are different forms, which is why you want a supplement that can cross the blood-brain barrier.

For example, choline citrate provides positive effects, however it can not access the brain via the blood-brain barrier. The most beneficial supplements are precursors to Phosphatidylcholine. This is a chemical that provides neural cells with the choline they need. Your best options are Alpha GPC and Citicoline.

Choline bitartrate is one of the most common forms sold, but it is the lowest in quality. It is poor at crossing the blood-brain barrier. The same is true for choline citrate and choline chloride. Since choline needs to be converted into a lipid before crossing the blood-brain barrier, anything that is a salt version, isn’t ideal for acetylcholine production.

Citicoline is more potent and more effective. Due to its lipid structure, it’s able to cross the blood-brain barrier. In fact, it’s so effective that many countries use this supplement as a treatment for ADHD and Alzheimer’s. Not only does it improve memory, but it increases energy levels and focus.

Alpha GPC is considered the best option for acetylcholine conversion. It is also faster acting in comparison to Citicoline. It is known to have a powerful effect on intellect, reasoning, and memory. Be careful with dosing, as you only need a small dose in order to benefit from its effects.

Changing Habits to Improve Cognitive Function

We are still learning so much about the brain, as we still need to unlock so many unknown secrets. The aging brain is something that is continuously being studied. When it comes to cognition, there are ways in which we can improve functioning. As we age, our cognition declines, so it’s important to stay active and healthy.

Habits that Improve Cognition

The way you live your life has a lot to do with your cognition. You can actively improve functioning by making certain choices, creating a healthy, balanced lifestyle. You may not give each habit much thought, but once you make slight changes, you could potentially see incredible benefits.

physical-exercisePhysical Exercise

Through research, it has been found that physical activity is beneficial for cognition and brain health. When you exercise, hormones are increased. These hormones are believed to help improve your memory.

During endurance exercise, a molecule known as irisin is produced. This molecule is believed to create neuroprotective properties. When researchers artificially increase irisin levels, genes involving memory and learning were activated.

Exercise also increases blood flow to the brain, allowing for better nourishment. If you are going to see these improvements, you need to make exercise a regular habit. It’s more beneficial to keep up regular exercise in comparison to intense exercise sporadically. So, start opting for the stairs instead of the elevator.

Being Open to Experience

Within a 2013 study, it was found that learning new skills, while being socially active, are both key for staying sharp. As we age, we have been encouraged to actively use our brains. Instead of doing crosswords, it’s recommended that you get out and do something. More specifically do something that is unfamiliar to you.

If you’re in your comfort zone, you may not enhance brain function. A training program in 2012 found that when cognition was boosted, so was one’s willingness to try new things. This was the first time that an intervention took place without the use of drugs, changing a personality trait that was believed to be fixed.

Social Interaction

Human beings are social creatures. As we age, social interaction can decline. This is because older individuals are retired, are not actively raising children, and simply do not have the structure in their life to maintain social engagement. Majority of older individuals have a small circle of close friends and relatives.

It has been found that feelings of loneliness can actually trigger cognitive decline. When an individual feels isolated, there are several consequences. Blood pressure tends to increase, sleep patterns are disrupted, stress and depression increase, which then affects overall well-being. All of these factors play a role in reducing cognitive function.


Creativity is so beneficial, as it is not only linked to improve brain function, but simply enriches your life. Neuroscientists have discovered that musical training improves both the function and connectivity of various brain regions.

When individuals practice an instrument, brain volume increases, while brain areas strengthen. Playing an instrument can actually change the way you interpret sensory information (this is especially true if you learn before the age of seven).

Another study found that reading and writing at any age, may help preserve memory. When you read a book, you generally become engrossed in its content. This has been shown to improve connectivity, while improving brain function. This may be linked to flexing one’s imagination.

Brain-Training Games

We’re discovering more and more about learning and memory each and everyday. In order to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s, it is beneficial to expose yourself to a stimulant-rich environment. Problem solving is believed to be a contributing factor when preventing cognitive decline.

In 2014, it was found that ten sessions of cognitive training was enough to improve reasoning and processing speed. Despite what we believed before, neurons can be generated at any age. When we take part in complex mental activity (such as brain-training games), we protect our brains by building a reserve of neurons and synaptic connections.

mediatePractice Mindfulness and Meditation

Meditation is a regular part of many lives. Within a 2013 study, it was found that meditation, mindfulness, and stress reduction, may all play important roles regarding age-related cognitive disorders.

Actively meditating may slow down the progression of cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that is responsible for learning, emotion, and memory. This area of the brain is known to be affected when individuals progress towards Alzheimer’s. There is also a link between stress and Alzheimer’s disease.

When you meditate, your hippocampus is activated. Those who actively meditate, tend to have higher concentrations of grey matter. Although more research needs to be conducted, the findings are exciting thus far. Since meditation may reduce hippocampus atrophy, while improving functional connectivity; this would be a relatively simple intervention method.

Reduce Stress

When you are constantly under high levels of stress, cortisol levels can damage the brain. When you experience chronic stress, this can trigger long-term changes in brain structure. These changes can potentially lead to cognitive decline.

Cortisol is the ‘stress hormone,’ which may hard-wire certain pathways between the hippocampus and amygdala. This causes your brain to be in a constant state of fight-or-flight. It is believed that these hardened wires, may be associated with prolonged stress. This creates an excess of myelin, along with too much white matter.

When you’re highly stressed, this chronic stress has the ability to alter stem cells. When this switch occurs, stem cells turn into a type of cell that inhibits connections regarding the prefrontal cortex (which improves learning ability and memory). Instead of allowing for this positive connection, there’s a potential increase for depression, anxiety, and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Focus on Getting Enough Sleep

It has been known for quite some time that sleep is required in order to consolidate memory and learning. Since this is an intensive process, it’s believed that your brain benefits from sleep because there’s more energy available and less distractions.

Over time, sleep difficulties may lead to cognitive impairment. Sleep deprivation, daytime tiredness, oversleeping, and sleep-disorder breathing, may all play a role in cognitive issues as we get older.

Effects of Nootropics on Body Building & Fitness

Nootropics are not only popular for cognitive enhancement and intelligence, they’re also popular within the body building community. Body building is highly competitive, so individuals need to be in great shape, while maintaining focus. It’s also beneficial to have an edge over your competition.

This is not only being seen within body building, but nootropics are being used before regular workouts. Individuals that go to the gym, take nootropics to help them reach their goals. Although nootropics are known as ‘smart drugs,’ they provide many other benefits, which are utilized within the fitness community.

How Nootropics Improve Performance

Athletes not only need to focus on their physical health and performance, but their mental ability as well. When you take nootropics, you influence various neurotransmitters. This allows your brain to communicate more effectively with the rest of your body.

The most commonly targeted neurotransmitter is acetylcholine, as it’s responsible for learning and memory. Although it is commonly used to increase cognition, acetylcholine can also improve muscle control and balance. The healthier your brain is, the faster your reflexes will be and the greater your endurance.

Motivation-to-Increase-ProductivityIncreased Motivation

Think about going to the gym. Do you feel motivated and driven? Even regular gym goers experience not wanting to workout here and there. You may be too tired or simply don’t feel like it. Even the most driven athletes have the odd day when motivation is an issue.

Once nootropics cross the blood-brain barrier, they are able to increase or inhibit the production and release of various neurotransmitters. Some of the best nootropics for motivation are Phenylpiracetam, Modafinil, and Noopept.

Phenylpiracetam is highly potent, being up to 60 times stronger than Piracetam. It produces a stimulant effect similar to Adderall, without experiencing a crash. Due to an increase in dopamine, mood and motivation are boosted. Individuals have reported being highly focused, while increasing stamina and endurance.

Modafinil can increase your awareness, as it’s mainly used to improve wakefulness. It is known to increase attention, so that goals are more easily reached. Although the power of Modafinil is comparable to amphetamines, the profile of this nootropic is highly different. It is less likely that a user will experience negative effects, such as anxiety, restlessness, or withdrawal.

focus-power-500-300x300Increased Focus

When you’re focusing on your workout, you do not want to have a million thoughts rushing through your mind. It can be hard to detach yourself; especially when you are busy at work, have family events to plan, and appointments to make. Thinking about everything you need to do can hinder your workout.

Many nootropics increase focus, allowing you to stay concentrated on the task at hand. You want to focus on your workout, improving endurance, muscle mass, and stamina. It’s hard to focus on working out, when there are so many distractions.

Although nootropics like Modafinil and Phenylpiracetam are highly effective for improving focus, they are only recommended for short-term use. If you are looking for a stack that will help you continually maintain focus, then try a combination of Piracetam and Alpha GPC.

These two nootropics work together, targeting acetylcholine. Due to an increase in acetylcholine, users experience an increase in attention, focus, and concentration. For days when you need an extra boost, you can incorporate caffeine or Sulbutamine to your stack.

StressLess-298x3002Reduced Stress Levels

High levels of stress are directly linked to a lack of focus. Think about when you’re highly stressed. You more than likely have a hard time focusing. There are many nootropics that can reduce the effects of stress and anxiety. This is not only beneficial for focusing on your workout, but it also benefits your overall health.

GABA is a neurotransmitter that is produced by Glutamate. GABA is known to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Professional body builders are under tremendous amounts of stress, so this is a great area to focus on.

When GABA levels are high, you feel more relaxed. One of the best nootropics for reducing stress is Aniracetam. It stimulates Glutamate, therefore having an indirect effect on GABA. Not only does Aniracetam produce anti-anxiety effects, it also increases energy, while improving focus and motivation.

Improved Sociability

Sometimes you may avoid the gym or a workout, because you do not want to be around people. Social anxiety levels may be high, you could feel unattractive, or you do not have the energy to socialize. Once again Aniracetam is great for diminishing social anxiety.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine for Body Building

Acetyl-L-Carntine is a natural supplement that is used to boost athletic performance (as well as enhance cognitive function). Many body builders have began recognizing the benefits that Acetyl-L-Carnitine has to offer.

This supplement helps to burn stored fat, benefiting body builders (especially when they’re trying to cut weight). It is also known to improve energy levels, which is essential when you’re working out to this degree.

When you take enough Acetyl-L-Carnitine, your muscles can burn fat and protein instead of glucose (maintaining a balanced blood sugar). Since lactic acid is a by-product of glucose metabolism, this can be avoided. It also boosts testosterone production, increasing muscle and bone mass.

It is recommended that you take between 500 and 1500 mg daily. As it is more effective when taken with food, users should take this supplement with a meal. For those that are body building, split your doses up. Take a dose before you work out, then after your work out. This will make your workout more effective, while improving recovery times.

The Best and Most Popular Nootropics of 2014

Nootropics are really starting to take off, as more and more people discover their benefits. The most common group of users are students and people in the business world. This is due to the high cognitive demand and a highly competitive market.

Each individual differs in terms of their goals, needs, and brain chemistry. Therefore, finding your perfect nootropic may take some time. However, due to advances in research, there are no shortage of vitamins, supplements, and compounds to choose from.

Whether you’re looking to improve your memory, mood, or learning abilities, there are smart drugs to fit every need. With so many options available without a prescription, nootropics are showing a lot of promise. They can increase focus, without creating negative side-effects (which are commonly associated with prescription drugs like Ritalin).

What’s the Appeal of ‘Smart Drugs?’

A smart drug is any supplement that is taken to improve cognitive function. These may be in the form of a dietary supplement or pharmaceutical. Either way, they do not create a high or anything related. The sole purpose of these drugs is to increase cognitive function.

Not only are they effective regarding memory, concentration, and reasoning; they also restore sleep, improve mood, and increase the success of memory formation. The following ten nootropics are some of the best and most popular choices this year.


Pramiracetam is an enhanced version of Piracetam, as it is 15, even 30 times more potent. They both work in a highly similar manner by targeting acetylcholine receptor sites. Like all racetams, this supplement works best when taken with a choline supplement.

It has been shown to improve memory, allowing for a higher learning capacity, increased mental energy, and even treats degenerative cognitive diseases. As it is non-toxic, users can take this supplement on an ongoing basis. It is know as one of the ‘purer’ nootropics in terms of producing only cognitive effects (mood and anxiety levels are not influenced)


Noopept is one of the strongest nootropics that you can obtain, being 1000 times more potent than Piracetam. It is known to be neuroprotective, as it positively effects synaptic plasticity. It’s also known to increase memory, learning ability, mood, sensory perception, and overall cognitive performance.

Since this nootropic is so potent, only small doses need to be taken. Since it is closely related to racetams, it is beneficial to take Noopept with a choline supplement such as Alpha GPC or Citicoline.


This supplement is basically Piracetam, but is 60 times more concentrated. The key difference is the phenyl group attached to Piracetam. This additional phenyl molecule group, provides unique benefits and properties.

It is known to increase memory formation and recall speed, improve learning ability, increase mental energy, and improve one’s focus. Not only does it create numerous cognitive benefits, but Phenylpiracetam also improves the body’s reaction to stress and increased endurance. This is why athletes find this nootropic beneficial.


This is most certainly one of the strongest nootropics, which is why it should be used with caution. In order to obtain this drug, you must have a prescription. It was originally developed for treating narcolepsy and other sleep conditions.

It is ideal for individuals that experience daytime sleepiness or chronic fatigue. Not only is it a wakefulness agent, Modafinil also yields cognitive effects. This includes improved memory, mental energy, and improved focus.


Adrafinil is a common substitute for Modafinil, however you do not need a prescription. This supplement converts to Modafinil once broken down in the liver. It produces the same benefits as Modafinil, and is generally used as a wakefulness agent.

Like Modafinil, there is the risk that tolerance will occur. For this reason, you should cycle this supplement to prevent any negative effects. Typically, users should not take this supplement more than three times weekly, for more than five months.


5-HTP is a naturally occurring extract which turns into serotonin in the brain. This neurotransmitter is essential regarding sleep patterns and mood. It is naturally produced in the body, as its related to the breakdown of tryptophan.

This is commonly used as a natural substitute to a variety of prescription medications. It decreases levels of depression and anxiety, improves memory, and enhances overall cognitive function.


Aniracetam belongs to the racetams family, offering more than just cognitive enhancements. It is fairly potent in terms of combating anxiety, depression, and stress. It also increases memory, produces higher mental clarity, improves mood, and mental energy.

Just like other racetams, it targets acetylcholine receptors. This is the neurotransmitter that provides enhanced cognition. Due to increases in serotonin in dopamine, mood improves. Lastly, brain energy increases due to improved efficiency of glucose and oxygen.


Sulbutiamine is a synthetic version of thiamine or vitamin B1. Thiamine is used to produce acetylcholine and GABA. Dopamine is also increased, positively affecting mood.

This is most commonly used to increase brain energy, attention span, and focus. It is also linked to improved feelings of well-being and relaxation.


This is one of the most common supplements to take in a stack. Although choline is found in some of the foods we eat, supplementation is generally needed when experimenting with nootropics.

A choline source is essential for the production of acetylcholine (the neurotransmitter related to cognitive function). It is commonly stacked with racetams, as it counteracts potential headaches. Make sure you take a good quality source such as Alpha GPC, Citicoline, or Centrophenoxine.

Huperzine A

This is a popular herbal nootropic, which is known to increase acetylcholine in the brain. Since this neurotransmitter is responsible for improved memory and enhanced cognitive function, it has become increasing popular.

Alertec 200 mg – How Does it Differ From Provigil’s Modafinil?

What is Alertec 200mg?

This medication is the Canadian version of Provigil, which has been marketed by the company, ‘Shire Canada Inc.’ The 200mg, represents the Modafinil content per capsule. It is being prescribed to individuals that suffer from serious sleep issues. You can also obtain this drug in 100 mg doses.

The most common sleep conditions include, sleep apnea, shift work disorder, and narcolepsy. In fact, these conditions are the only issues officially approved for this drug. However, there are off-label uses for Alertec. Some doctors view Alertec as a great treatment for ADHD, while others prescribe it for anxiety.

Although it is prescribed for various conditions, many users also take this drug to increase cognitive function and mental performance. This is seen especially amongst the student population, as they try to improve their ability to study. With the assistance of this drug, they can stay awake all night studying. It is also commonly used to combat jet lag within the business world.

The effects are identical to Provigil’s Modafinil, making these two options indistinguishable. The main difference is seen within price. Alertec is cheaper to obtain. Some users in the United States are looking to order Alertec through their doctor for this reason.

why-nootropics-300x160How Does Alertec Work?

How the Modafinil in Alertec works, is not entirely known. However, it is known that Modafinil influences histamine levels. Due to the area of the brain where this activity occurs, there is some correlation with the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Once the dopamine transport system is inhibited, dopamine concentrations increase. This is directly related to improved focus, higher motivation, and improved attention. Although this drug has stimulant-like effects, it works entirely different than other prescription drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall.

Stimulants such as Ritalin, create the potential risk of addiction and withdrawal. Alertec does not create these serious side-effects, as abuse is not a concern. GABA and Glutamate are also believed to play a role.

Benefits of Alertec

There are various benefits associated with Alertec:

  • When users take Alertec, the main benefit is the ability to stay awake and alert. This is especially true for individuals that are sleep deprived. If you have a sleep condition or endure shift work, then Alertec will provide you with the energy and focus you need throughout the day.
  • Alertec is believed to improve cognitive function. Clinical trials have shown improved motivation, memory, and reasoning. Due to an increase in brain function, mental performance tends to improve.
  • ADHD patients are believed to benefit from Alertec, because it decreases impulse responses. Being highly impulsive and hyperactive, are core symptoms of ADHD. Alertec helps to control these symptoms. Positive effects have also been displayed for patients suffering from anxiety and depression.

Alertec/Modafinil Research

There have been several studies conducted for Modafinil and its cognitive enhancing abilities. One study was conducted at the University of Cambridge. This 2003 study combined the Clinical Neuropsychology and Experimental Psychology departments.

When students were given a 200 mg dose of Modafinil, their ability to handle information was improved, along with their performance. It also appeared to improve short-term memory, the ability to process information, and make decisions.

Research is continually being conducted regarding the treatment of various ailments. Some of these conditions include; Alzheimer’s, depression, ADHD, cancer-associated fatigue, cognitive impairment in schizophrenia, and multiple sclerosis-induced fatigue.

Possible Side-Effects

Not everyone will experience side-effects, however some effects have been experienced. If you are concerned with the potential risks, speak to your doctor about alternatives or how this drug will benefit you.

The following side-effects have been experienced in 1% of the population taking this medication. Although majority of the side-effects are easily managed, you should contact your doctor if you are displaying some of the following symptoms; anxiety, vomiting, problems sleeping, headache, loss of appetite, increase heart rate, back pain, and nervousness.

Although uncommon, speak to your doctor if you show any signs of; a skin rash, depression, dizziness, liver issues (dark urine, abdominal pain, yellow eyes), or ongoing sleepiness. You should also immediately stop usage if you experience; chest pain, an allergic reaction, or a severe skin reaction.

Other Warnings and Precautions

Before you begin taking this drug, you need to speak with your doctor in terms of dosage. There are various factors that can affect the amount of medication you should take. Also be aware of these precautions:

  • Grapefruit Juice: Grapefruit affects how Modafinil is removed from the human body, which may cause a build-up to occur. If you are taking this drug, avoid eating grapefruit or consuming grapefruit juice.
  • Reduced Alertness: Some individuals will actually experience ongoing drowsiness while taking this drug. If it is causes dizziness or poor judgement, then speak with your doctor. Make sure you do not drive or operate any heavy machinery if this is the case.
  • Heart and Liver Disease: It is unknown how this drug affects heart disease. There have been instances of chest pain and heart palpitations. In terms of the liver, lower doses should be taken if you suffer from a liver condition. As always, speak with your doctor regarding any special monitoring.

Recommended Dosage

Depending on the reason, individuals take different doses for different conditions. If you are suffering from narcolepsy, it’s recommended that you take between 200 mg and 400 mg daily. Typically, you’ll start with a 200 mg dose and then work your way up.

Regarding sleep apnea, it is recommended that you take one single dose (200 mg) in the morning. The same dose is recommended for shift workers, but should be taken an hour before work begins.

Each individual differs, so if your doctor recommended a specific dose to you, stick to that recommended dose. Many factors can affect dosage, such as weight, conflicting conditions, and other medications.

Avoid taking this medication in the evening, as it could interfere with your sleep patterns. If you missed a dose, take it as soon as possible. However, if you’re close to your next required dose, skip the missed dosage and continue with your schedule. Do NOT double up on doses to compensate. If you miss a dose and are unsure of what to do, contact your doctor.

Substituting Anti-Depressants with 5-HTP Powder

As an all-natural mood enhancer, 5-HTP is a great alternative to prescription drugs. Prescription drugs, such as anti-depressants, are being handed out like candy. This drugs can yield some dangerous side-effects, which is why 5-HTP is the preferred choice.

Basically, 5-HTP provides your brain with the materials it needs to target feelings of anxiety and depression. It targets mental wellness, without creating negative side-effects. This is ideal, allowing you to boost your mood in a safe and effective manner.

How 5-HTP Affects Serotonin Production

Our bodies naturally make 5-HTP, as it is synthesized from tryptophan. This amino acid is found in numerous foods, including meat, fish, and some vegetables. Once these foods are consumed, tryptophan is broken down and is synthesized into 5-HTP.

5-HTP can then cross the blood-brain barrier, as it’s immediately turned into serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is known to produce feelings of calmness and peace. When enough serotonin is produced, we experience feelings of happiness and joy.

Serotonin is not the only neurotransmitter that’s influenced. 5-HTP also controls the amount of dopamine, so that feeling of calmness can be experienced. Many supplements work to increase dopamine levels, while 5-HTP prevents this. This continues to produce calm feelings. 5-HTP also influences melatonin, which is the hormone responsible for our sleep patterns.

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Why Would You Use 5-HTP?

There are various benefits associated with this supplement. The overall experience is feeling relaxed and an overall calm mood. When you take a dose of 5-HTP, you are able to balance out feelings of stress and anxiety. This will allow you to take control, especially if you endure high levels of stress each day.

Due to this supplement’s anti-stress effects, 5-HTP can combat migraines and feelings of exhaustion. It is also being examined for potential benefits regarding ADHD treatment. This is due to an improved short-term attention span. If ADHD patients were given 5-HTP each day, they would avoid drugs like Adderall. More importantly, they would be able to focus better.

How Does it Compare to Anti-Depressants?

Adderall for instance, is a prescription drug and is also a stimulant. It targets dopamine levels, allowing the user to concentrate more effectively. When you take a natural supplement, such as 5-HTP, you’re providing your body with the materials it needs to create serotonin. It increases levels of serotonin, without over-working hormonal glands.

Unlike prescription drugs, 5-HTP does not put any extra stress on your central nervous system. This natural approach is appealing to many, as anti-depressants are quite taxing on one’s system. They increase serotonin levels artificially, which doesn’t allow pre-existing, natural serotonin to metabolize.

The Main Benefits of 5-HTP

When it comes to 5-HTP, there are many benefits. Due to the natural properties of this supplement, it’s a great alternative to many harsher options.

Boosted Mood

As mentioned, this supplement circulates to the brain, creating higher levels of serotonin. This has a direct effect on mood, making users feel happier. When taking 5-HTP, users have a more positive outlook, increasing feelings of satisfaction and joy.

When individuals are depressed, they often have low levels of serotonin in their brain. This is why 5-HTP can target issues relating to stress, anxiety, and mood. Some experts believe that this option is just as strong as some of the prescription drugs available. Not only does mood improve, but motivation and productivity have also been noted.

One study, looked at 63 participants that were given either Luvox (an SSRI) or 5-HTP. It was found that the group that took 5-HTP, showed the same positive results as the Luvox group. They also displayed less negative effects. Although this yielded great results, larger studies need to be examined.

Improves Sleep

Our sleep cycle is highly complex, but serotonin plays a role. Since users experience increased relaxation, they find it easier to fall asleep. Not only do users fall asleep easier, they also spend more time in deeper levels of REM sleep.

When you are able to reach deeper levels of REM sleep, you wake up feeling re-charged and invigorated. Since 5-HTP also plays a role in melatonin, sleep cycles can be more consistent. Melatonin is an important sleep aid.

In one study, participants that took 5-HTP were able to fall asleep faster and slept more deeply in comparison to a placebo group. For some, these results may take 6-12 weeks to take full effect.

Cognitive Ability

5-HTP has a number of nootropic effects, especially in terms of spatial memory. When a user takes 5-HTP, the hippocampus is targeted. This area of the brain is essential for memory formation. Due to this, 5-HTP is believed to also increase short-term memory, learning abilities, and recall speed.

Controlling Headaches and Weight

There has been a link between 5-HTP and headache relief, especially in users that experience migraines. Research is still being conducted, however this effect is promising. Due to increased serotonin, appetite is also influenced.

When there are low levels of 5-HTP, individuals can experience feelings of hunger and take part in binge eating. When taking 5-HTP users feel more satisfied and full after they eat. Therefore, 5-HTP is a great tool when trying to control diet and weight loss.

Potential Side-Effects and Dosage

When taking 5-HTP, it is advised to do so on an empty stomach. Most users will take their powder or tablet first thing in the morning. The recommended dosage is between 50 and 100 mg daily. When higher doses are taken (300 mg and above), some side effects have been reported.

Some of these side-effects include, rashes, nightmares, nausea, and diarrhea. If you experience any of these mild symptoms, then lower your dosage or speak with your doctor. No serious side-effects have been reported, making this a much safer choice than it’s pharmaceutical alternatives.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have liver disease, do not take this supplement. If you are currently taking anti-depressants, do not combine them with 5-HTP supplements. When combined, users can experience serotonin syndrome. This is a dangerous condition that creates hot flashes, fluctuating blood pressure, and even coma.

What Is 5-HTP? How Do You Use It & What Are the Benefits?

What is 5-HTP?

5-HTP (Oxitriptan) is a naturally occurring amino acid that makes serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, responsible for mood, sleep, and appetite. Therefore, when people take 5-HTP, they ultimately boost serotonin levels.

You will commonly find this amino acid in nootropic stacks, allowing users to decrease stress levels and enhance mood. If you have stimulating nootropics in your stack, then this is a great addition for balancing everything out.

Due to its role in the breakdown of tryptophan (which produces serotonin and melatonin), it is highly efficient regarding appetite suppression and improved mood. Although some individuals take tryptophan supplements for this purpose, taking 5-HTP eliminates one of the metabolic steps, making it more potent.

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History of 5-HTP

Since 5-HTP is an important step between tryptophan and serotonin, its history started with L-tryptophan. When released in the 1980s, there were issues linked to the use of L-tryptophan. It was not tryptophan itself that made people sick, it was the impurities that occurred during its manufacturing.

When looking for alternatives, 5-HTP was released in 1994. It was believed to yield less risk in terms of contamination than tryptophan. It is now being used as a more natural alternative to other prescription drugs. It is used for a variety of conditions, making it a well-rounded supplement.

How to Use 5-HTP

Our bodies actually produce some 5-HTP from tryptophan found in our diet. This is found in high protein ingredients such as beef, chicken, fish, and dairy. However, taking a supplement ensures that you’re consuming enough.

5-HTP comes in both tablet and powder form. Regardless of which option you choose, users tend to take 50 to 100 mg daily. This should be taken in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

How Does 5-HTP Work?

Once taken, 5-HTP is broken within the liver, where it’s then transported to the blood-brain barrier. After 5-HTP reaches the brain, it is converted into serotonin. This is so much more effective than taking serotonin, because serotonin cannot cross the blood-brain barrier like 5-HTP can.

5-HTP is a direct precursor to serotonin, while serotonin is a precursor to melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that’s responsible for sleeping. It helps to control your sleep and wake cycles. So, some of the 5-HTP you take, will eventually become this sleep hormone.

When both melatonin and serotonin levels increase, you will experience less anxiety, higher levels of relaxation, greater sense of well-being, and you will sleep better at night. This is why 5-HTP is ideal in a stack, as it can make users feel relaxed, while they increase cognitive functioning.

Benefits of 5-HTP

There are various benefits associated with 5-HTP. Although it is not a direct nootropic, it does help increase the benefits of other nootropics. The following benefits are commonly experienced:

  • Improved mood is commonly experienced. It has been shown to significantly reduce symptoms of depression. In some studies, it was actually found that 5-HTP is more effective than prescription drugs like Prozac.
  • It is noted for reducing feelings of anxiety. This is due to an increase in serotonin.
  • Helping individuals sleep, especially those that suffer from conditions like insomnia. This is due to both serotonin and melatonin levels. Users are able to reach deeper levels of sleep, while falling asleep faster.

nausea-bathroom-woman-400x400Potential Side Effects of 5-HTP

Majority of users do not experience negative side-effects. However, this is a possibility when taking high doses. The most common side-effects include; heart burn, diarrhea, stomach pain, and nausea.

If you’re a healthy adult, then taking 5-HTP at the recommended dose is not dangerous. However, if you are taking any depression or anxiety medications, you should not mix this supplement with prior medication.

When taking anti-depressants, acute serotonin syndrome has been observed. As well, nausea and vomiting have been reported for individuals who are currently taking Carbipoda, which treats Parkinson’s.

Recommended Dosage

In the United States, Canada, and UK, you can purchase these capsules over the counter. They generally come in 50 mg or 100 mg capsules. Depending on your reason for taking 5-HTP, your dose will vary.

If you are not being treated for depression, a sleeping disorder, or anxiety, then 50-100 mg daily is typically enough. However, if you’re experiencing sleeping issues, then it is recommended that you take 200mg before bed with water.

If you are suffering from anxiety, a 50 mg capsule each day is generally sufficient. However, some individuals take these capsules three time daily. Speak with your doctor if you’d like to increase your intake. The same is true for depression, as 50-100 mg is generally recommended. Since each case is different, your doctor will be able to advise you further.

If taken at high doses, 5-HTP can be dangerous. Do not take 5-HTP is you are under the age of 18. No matter what age you are, please refer to your doctor before beginning use. It is also recommended that you do not exceed 500 mg per day (pill or powder). Start with lower doses and see how your body reacts.

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Boosting Motivation with Nootropic Stacks

Motivation is key to many aspects of success. Whether it’s your degree, career, or any other life achievement, you need to be highly motivated. Many individuals have started targeting their lack of energy and motivation by taking supplements.

What are the most common substances used to boost energy and motivation? Coffee and energy drinks are what most people grab. However, many are recognizing the benefits of nootropics and are now using various supplements for this purpose.

What is Motivation?

Motivation is the desire to do things. Are you someone that lays around waiting for something to happen? Perhaps you’re the opposite, someone that wakes up early and completes as many tasks as possible.

Being highly motivated has its clear advantages. More tasks are completed, increasing your chances of success. There are various systems within the brain that are responsible for feeling motivated. For example, the neurotransmitter dopamine is responsible for feelings of motivation. However, you also need high levels of energy and focus to stay motivated.

typography_inspirational_motivational_posters_motivation_desktop_1280x1024_hd-wallpaper-558620Nootropics Increasing Motivation

Once nootropics reach the central nervous system, they begin to influence neurotransmitter activity. When these brain chemicals change in terms of their levels and action, cognitive processes become positively affected. This is why you see an improvement in reasoning, memory, learning, and decision making.

Other neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, have an affect on mood, motivation, and stress levels. If we feel less anxious, we tend to be more productive. Energy is improved through increased blood flow to the brain. Better circulation, increases oxygen uptake. All of these minor changes in your brain, allow you to feel more alert and awake. When you’re more alert, you tend to be more motivated.

Which Nootropics Will Increase Energy and Motivation?

When it comes to nootropics, there’s a variety of options for increased energy and motivation. The following nootropics will provide you with the benefits you’re looking for, while yielding various other benefits as well.

Modafinil or Adrafinil

These two supplements are closely related, providing increased attention and wakefulness. Modafinil is a prescription drug, therefore many users seek out Adrafinil (which you can legally buy online). Once a user takes Adrafinil, it is converted into Modafinil within the liver.

Modafinil increases your awareness, decreasing feelings of mental exhaustion. Some users have described Modafinil as a means to stay focused, not paying attention to any distractions. This allows users to concentrate, focusing until their ultimate goal has been reached.

This is what motivation is all about, reaching your goals. Although the effects of Modafinil and Adrafinil are fairly powerful, they do not yield side-effects like amphetamines do. When you take these two nootropics, you avoid side-effects like anxiety or withdrawal.


Phenylpiracetam is associated with the racetam family, being one of the strongest nootropics. This supplement is very similar to Piracetam in terms of its structure, however it has an added phenyl group attached. This allows the supplement to cross over the blood-brain barrier more easily. It is also approximately 60 times more potent than Piracetam.

Phenylpiracetam yields the same effects as Piracetam, except it is known to also improve mental energy. This boost of energy is not associated with any type of crash, making it an ideal choice. Not only does it increase energy, but it also influences dopamine levels. This increase in dopamine results in a more positive mood and higher motivation.

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa Monnieri an all-natural supplement, so many prefer this herbal option. It is made from a plant that grows in India, South America, and other tropical regions. When taken, your neurons are able to communicate more effectively. This boost in communication, results in higher energy levels and motivation.


This supplement is closely related to the racetam family, yet it has a different method of action. This is not only an effective nootropic, but it is very powerful. So powerful, that it is said to be 1000 times more potent than Piracetam.

Noopept influences Nerve Growth Factor, as well as the neurotransmitters glutamate and acetylcholine. Although it does not boost energy levels as effectively as the options above, it does improve your memory capacity and concentration levels.

By reducing ‘brain fog,’ you will have a clearer, more motivated mind. You can achieve results with a very little dose, and you’re able to take this nootropic daily.


This supplement is actually one of the 22 amino acids that our cells use to make protein. Many have began taking L-Tyrosine in order to decrease levels of stress and anxiety. You can find this ingredient within Alpha Brain, due to its ability to improve mood and motivation.

L-Tyrosine is a building block for the neurotransmitter dopamine. As mentioned, this neurotransmitter is related to heightened motivation. It can also be metabolized into glucose, which increases energy levels. In terms of motivation, L-Tyrosine contains catecholamines which influence not only motivation, but movement, attention, desire, and problem-solving skills.

Best Stacks For Increased Motivation

If you are familiar with nootropics, then you have probably already experimented with your own stack. Each individual is unique in terms of what they’re looking for, and how certain nootropics affect them.

Phenylpiracetam and Sulbutiamine

As mentioned, Phenylpiracetam is highly potent. Since Sulbutiamine is more subtle, it helps to find a balance. Energy and drive are said to increase, allowing users to stay more focused. Like any stack, make sure you’re aware of proper dosing.

There are a few tips that may be of interest. Since Phenylpiracetam is long-lasting, do not take this supplement at night. Also, Sulbutiamine is fat soluble, so take it with a meal or milk.

Modafinil and Phenibut

You can not take this stack every week, due to the Phenibut. Modafinil decreases anxiety, allowing for greater achievement. When Phenibut is added, mood and focus are improved. This allows users to concentrate and stayed focused on the task at hand.

Remember, Modafinil is fairly potent so you only need a small dose. Phenibut needs to be limited in terms of use, so that it does not become ineffective. Do not take it more than twice a week, however once is recommended.