Over the Counter Medications That Enhance Focus

In order to access the focus-related benefits of medications like Adderall, you need to acquire a prescription. Not only is it challenging to get a prescription, but these options tend to be fairly pricey. If you are looking to improve your mental focus, there are alternatives in which you can obtain without visiting a doctor.

As the nootropic community gains further interest, more and more are looking for supplements and pills that can heighten their level of concentration and focus. This is not only the case for individuals with ADHD, but those that would like to perform better at work and/or school.

With that being said, many of the smart drugs currently on the market, are still considered to be controlled substances. Instead of sourcing medications and supplements from unreliable sources, you should explore the best legal options.

Prescription Medication for Concentration

When attempting to enhance mental focus, the most mainstream options are stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin. These medications are most often prescribed for conditions such as ADD and ADHD. Stimulants such as these, work by increasing dopamine levels, sharpening mental focus.

Although these options do enhance one’s motivation and mental clarity, they tend to create harsh side-effects. When one’s dopamine receptors are over-stimulated, it can result in further complications. Not only is dependency a concern, but when discontinuing use, mood crashes and worsened symptoms can also occur.

Due to these potential complications, you can only obtain these medications with a prescription. If you’re looking for similar effects, there are many other options. You are not restricted to amphetamines, when attempting to boost focus. When choosing from a number of nootropics, you can work with your natural brain chemistry. These supplements can turn into neurotransmitters, without disturbing your glands.

Legal Options for Alertness

Although drugs differ in terms of their method of action, pills that enhance focus, tend to cause a release of central nervous system histamines. These trigger an immune response, promoting wakefulness.

These specific drugs can be hard to come by for the general public, as they are typically prescribed for conditions such as narcolepsy. Their nootropic effects were discovered by accident, which is why it’s considered an off-label use.

When taking supplements such as Modafinil, you can increase your mental focus and alertness. However, you require a prescription for this nootropic. Instead, many are utilizing the benefits of Adrafinil, as it creates the same effects and is more readily available.

B-Complex Vitamins and Focus

If you’re looking for B-complex vitamins, you’ll be happy to know that they’re easy to acquire. In fact, you probably have some items in your house that contain B-vitamins right now. These nutrients are water-soluble, and are essential for various internal processes, including brain function.

The B-vitamins known as Thiamine and Niacin, are known to promote regular sleep cycles. They also enhance circulation to the brain and one’s cellular metabolism. Since some B-vitamins are linked to enhanced acetylcholine levels, they can contribute to improved focus.

Although you can consume B-vitamins within the foods you eat, it is not generally enough to create substantial cognitive effects. If you are looking for more powerful effects, than you may want to explore the benefits of racetams in terms of focus. Piracetam is known for its effects on mental focus, memory, and neuroplasticity.

Ampakines and Dopeminergics

Ampakines activate AMPA receptors, essentially heightening one’s level of concentration. Some of the more popular nootropics that fit this category are Oxiracetam and Sunifiram. Aniracetam is another option, which is known for its potent effects. Not only does it increase one’s ability to focus, but can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Dopaminergics interact with dopamine receptors, stimulating dopamine-related effects. These supplements also help to preserve this neurotransmitter by inhibiting re-uptake. When dopamine levels increase, so does one’s level of concentration, motivation, and mental energy.

Choline Supplements

When you take supplements that boost choline, you’re essentially increasing acetylcholine levels. This is because choline is a precursor to this neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is involved in a number of cognitive processes, as well as the growth of new neurons.

When you consume foods, such as eggs and liver, you do ingest some choline. However, in order to enhance cognition and focus, supplementation is recommended. Some of the best sources are Acetyl L-Carnitine and Alpha GPC.

Some Natural Alternatives

Although there are many nootropics available in terms of focus, you may be looking for more natural recommendations. Although the following will not create effects that are as strong as the suggestions above, they can be beneficial in addition to supplementation.

  • Meditation: Meditation allows individuals to practice their ability to focus and improve their overall attention span. It has been found that when you mediate on a regular basis, you can focus more effectively when you’re not meditating. This is because our ability to focus, can actually improve through practice.
  • Get Outside: Nature can do wonderful things for your mental health. Not only is it relaxing, but it can actually boost focus. Studies have shown that when our brains ‘switch off’ it can help recover our ability to focus. An experiment found that when individuals walked on a busy street, they did not recover focus. However, when they were surrounded by greenery and nature, individuals were able to focus much better. It is believed that these effects are because nature creates less distractions, allowing you to regain focus.
  • Eat More Fish: One of the key components in fish and fish oil, are omega-3 fatty acids. These help to keep brain cells healthy and well-maintained. These fatty acids boost one’s ability to focus, while improving memory. Due to its effects on memory, omega-3 fatty acid is recommended to help prevent Alzheimer’s and other related conditions.

If you are looking to boost your ability to focus, there are many options available without the need for a prescription. To get a better idea of what’s available, you can speak with your health care professional regarding any concerns you may have.